News from SNS Nordic Forest Research Cooperation Committee Katrine Hahn Kristensen, SNS-secretary
Shortly about SNS SNS is a organisation, which works under and is finansed by the Nordic Council of Ministers. SNS was established in 1972. The aims are to contribute to social, economic and ecologic responsible management and use of forests and forest resources in the nordic region. The key objective is to create Nordic synergy in forest research. Areas of responsibility: Forestry, forests, use of wood and wood-products, non-wood forest products, non-commercial forest values SNS supports research in all those aspects of forest functions and sustainable forestry and advises the Nordic Council of Ministers in forest-related questions Budget: 5.2 mio DKK/year (700.000 Euro), 85% is reserved for research cooperation and information service
SNS board
Research activities supported by SNS CARs – Centres of Advanced Research Larger research networks within a research area CAR’s are virtual: Research is decentral Integrates existing networks within a specific research area Financial support for 4-5 years, app. 50.000 Euro/year/CAR (app. 10% of costs) Projects Coordination of existing national research in research cooperation Financial support for up to 3 years, up til 15.000 Euro/year/country Max 50.000 Euro/year/project (up to 33% of costs) Networks Financial support for conferences, workshops etc. Aim: To stimulate future cooperation and exchange knowledge Financial support: Up to 50% of total costs, app. 5.000-25.000 Euro/network
News from SNS Cooperation with EFINORD -> This meeting -> Information Service Portal (website) for forest research -> EFINORD as flagship project within the Baltic Sea Action Plan -> SNS-networks to be SNS-EFINORD networks (process starts 2011) SNS – research activities -> 25 applications, which will be decided on tomorrow at board meeting -> Projects from the Selfoss-report to be implemented SNS – information activities -> new website to be launched February/March 2011 -> 25-years anniversary for Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research. SJFR from regional to international.
SamNordisk Skovforskning Nordic forest research cooperation committee