LHCOPN / LHCONE meeting Welcome Lars Fischer LHCOPN / LHCONE meeting Helsinki, 19-20 September 2016
Welcome to Helsinki
29th Conference in a series NORDUnet 2016 29th Conference in a series Rotating between Nordic countries First was in 1980 in Sweden Currently bi-anually Meeting place of the Nordic R&E Networking community 3-day conference Week of community meetings Much is self-organizing Started NORDUnet collaboration
The Nordic Countries Five small countries Three autonomous areas 8 time zones 25 mill people 9 official languages Shared history, culture Together, the worlds 7th largest economy (or so)
Nordic Region
Nordic NRENs 5 independent NRENs, tradition for collaboration NORDUnet: regional network, international connection 30+ year history 1 million users Annual budget: About 20 Million $ NORDUnet incorporated, owned equally by NRENs, funded by NRENs FUNET SUNET All universities.. Interconnections; tradition of working together; do not serve users; they do that ND UNINETT RHNET DeIC
North and South
Nordic R&E Networks
Anyone – Anywhere – Any time Traffic Evolution Traditional GÉANT – R&E networks Commercial – Youtube, Facebook, … New Scientific computing @ commercial vendors (cloud storage, HPC facilities, computing-on-demand) Cloud IT services, Outsourced IT Everything-as-a-Services Anyone – Anywhere – Any time Drives traffic to industry partners (Internet) Exchanges are essential
OXPs as Infra Building Blocks
Where is Traffic Going? (2) Includes peerings at Internet Exchangs, Private peerings (google, facebook, twitch, netfliix, amazon, etc), and hosted caches (such as akamai) Traffic w/ Settlement-free Peers
Supporting Cloud Services Nordic and European collaboration Nordic initiatives, sharing NREN initiatives among all Nordic NRENs Participation in GÉANT Joint procurements Direct Interconnect w/ providers Better quality, no man-in-the-middle Getting rid of network charges Nordic and GÉANT Project initiatives Anyone – anywhere – any time Once we have the base, we can do a lot. A few current examples. Cloud is growth. Critical to keep the cost of cloud services down and access quality up. With a global network, we can do both
Meet the Natives