A lovely program for kids, organised by, Varsha Biju, 6w Australia’s Past News !!! A lovely program for kids, organised by, Varsha Biju, 6w
Welcome Everyone ! Welcome everyone to this wonderful afternoon. Today I will be discussing to you about the Black Saturday Bushfires !
Black Saturday Bushfires !!! Well to start of, the Black Saturday Bushfires happened on the 7th of February, 2009, in the State of Victoria. It was a terrible sight and a horrible day. Many have died and got injured, but most importantly, they have actually burned a number of homes. Did you know that over 2 million animals lost their lives !!!
What do you think, what really happened ? Well police have confirmed that someone had actually lit the fire. So probably, they are still searching . Why don’t we have a look at what the police want to say ? http://www.theage.com.au/national/marysvill e-fire-deliberately-lit-police-20090401- 9j39.html
What Happened ??? You no what, this is the most terrible thing ever happened in Australia. The reaction then was just amazingly stunning!!! Everyone was just utterly shocked and amazed. This extent of damage have certainly left the state and the country in a deep shock. Could you just imagine those terrible things happened to you, won’t it be terrible? Well, we are very lucky, aren’t we ???
Bad Luck!!! Now it is just a bad luck for us!!! We can’t have bananas anymore!!! It’s just too expensive!!!
Thanks !!! Thank you to all for being such a wonderful audience. Have a wonderful night and bye for now!!! This is me Varsha Biju signing out !!!