Year in Review and Strategic Planning – TWG3 Cybersecurity 2016 SCOWCT Annual Meeting
Cybersecurity Initial TWG3 Roster * Russ Buchholz – North Dakota DOT (Lead) Donna Hardy – West Virginia DOT Eric Roybal – New Mexico DOT Paul Steinman – Florida DOT Jeff Sundholm – Iowa DOT Ed Folk – FHWA * Roster developed October 2015. Meetings open to all SCOWCT members & friends.
Cybersecurity Participation in TWG3 - Since March 2016 Name Agency Ocie Adams Lisa Idell-Sassi Alaska DOT & PF David Chase New Hampshire DOT Joe Hawkins Arkansas DOT Eric Roybal New Mexico DOT Ferdinand Milanes Caltrans Russ Buchholz North Dakota DOT George Cabonnell Connecticut DOT Pat Brueggeman South Dakota DOT Russel Allen Joshual Beizer Chrissi Collins Roger Madden Florida DOT Donna Hardy West Virginia DOT Matt Glasser Georgia DOT Kevin Gay USDOT Bob Koberlein Idaho Transportation Department Kathi Buckowske RadioSoft Inc.
Cybersecurity TWG3 Year in Review TWG3 met in April, June, and August 7-12 participants at each meeting Included 12 state DOTs, plus others (e.g. USDOT, private sector) Meetings updated members on issues related to cybersecurity and physical security DOT updates, peer exchange, round robin to share significant issues
Cybersecurity Agenda Highlights ITS Cabinets – Practices to Deter Salt Corrosion Security and Credential Management System (SCMS) for Connected Vehicles
Cybersecurity ITS Cabinets – Practices to Deter Salt Corrosion Challenge: ITS cabinets corroding due to road salt use New Hampshire DOT requested best practices North Dakota DOT provided specifications and drawings for aluminum cabinets Minnesota DOT uses similar details
Cybersecurity Security and Credential Management System (SCMS) Guest Speaker: Kevin Gay, USDOT ITS Joint Program Office Basic Safety Message for Connected Vehicles SCMS uses a certificate to assign and validate credentials from the vehicle receiving the Basic Safety Message SCMS will be used for the USDOT-sponsored Connected Vehicle pilot projects USDOT will engage a user group to provide feedback
Presenters? Prioritize Topics. Cybersecurity Topic Ideas for Future Meetings 1) DHS Cybersecurity Assessment of Caltrans TMC Ferdinand Milanes or other rep from Caltrans 2) NH DOT Practices for Security of Cell Modems David Chase, New Hampshire DOT 3) National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST) Topics? (e.g. Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity) Presenter from NIST? 4) Auto telematics? 5) Cybersecurity ITS architecture? Presenters? Prioritize Topics.
Cybersecurity Topic Ideas for Future Meetings? Other Ideas for Educational Topics at TWG3 Meetings: Idea #1: Idea #2: Idea #3: Etc. Presenters? Prioritize Topics.
Cybersecurity STRATEGIC PLANNING: Review Focus Areas & Strategic Objectives Identify 1-2 Actionable Tasks to be completed in the coming year.
Cybersecurity Focus Areas and Related Efforts Cybersecurity guidelines for legacy ITS equipment Guidelines for new systems Integrate cybersecurity into NTCIP standards Physical security of ITS systems (as needed)
Cybersecurity Strategic Objectives Support the National Cybersecurity Task Force being organized by ITE and other partners Serve as AASHTO subject matter expert (SME) group to support cybersecurity initiatives related to research, policy, training, education, peer exchange, and pertinent funding initiatives.
Cybersecurity Strategic Objectives Support the National Cybersecurity Task Force being organized by ITE and other partners. How can this objective be accomplished by the committee? Any modifications to this objective
Cybersecurity Strategic Objectives Serve as AASHTO subject matter expert (SME) group to support cybersecurity initiatives related to research, policy, training, education, peer exchange, and pertinent funding initiatives. How can this objective be accomplished by the committee? Any modifications to this objective?
Cybersecurity 1-2 Actionable Tasks to be Completed in the Coming Year Consider: Strategic objectives – how to achieve? DOT survey results Educational needs of members Does the task support SCOWCT proposal to NCHRP 20-7? Brainstorm Tasks: Task: Select 1-2 Actionable Tasks:
Cybersecurity Steps to Complete Selected Task(s) SELECTED TASK: