Madison Vinciguerra movers
Day One Physical Change because it will melt. Chemical Change because it will rust. Both Chemical and Physical Change because it will decompose and you can change the size of it by biting the apple. Both Chemical and Physical Change because it will melt and it can’t change back. ________________________________________________________________ We learned about the Periodic Table of Elements and then we made a volcano using flour and water and then we poured vinegar and baking soda in a soda bottle and we watched a chemical reaction happen. We learned that when a chemical reaction happens you can get heat, smell, bubbling, and foam.
Day Two Today we learned about polymers and we got to make our own and test it. We pretended to be part of a chemistry team and we were asked to make a product called Glubber. We used water, glue and borax. Then we tested it on a bounce test, sticky test, color test, imprint test and a stretch test. We got to keep the Glubber.
Day Three We are finishing our science journals and using glow in the dark paint to decorate t-shirts when we are finished we are going to see them glow in the dark in the bathroom or under a black light. It’s an example of a polymer. We also are designing our WikiSpace page.
Day Four Today we went to ECU to the chemistry lab. We watched them make glass and we also watched them do different experiments.