Learning Journey – Percentages Convert between fractions, decimals and percentages. Represent percentages in diagrams. Find a percentage of a quantity. Find the new amount after a percentage increase or decrease. Find a percentage of a quantity using a multiplier. Express a given number as a percentage of another number. Use a multiplier to increase or decrease by a percentage. Calculate simple interest. Compare two or more quantities using percentages. Work out a percentage increase or decrease. Find the original amount given the final amount after a percentage increase or decrease. Solve percentage problems. Calculate compound interest.
Learning Journey – Percentages Convert between fractions, decimals and percentages. Represent percentages in diagrams. Find a percentage of a quantity. Find the new amount after a percentage increase or decrease. Find a percentage of a quantity using a multiplier. Express a given number as a percentage of another number. Use a multiplier to increase or decrease by a percentage. Calculate simple interest. Compare two or more quantities using percentages. Work out a percentage increase or decrease. Find the original amount given the final amount after a percentage increase or decrease. Solve percentage problems. Calculate compound interest. 1 2 9 5 4 7 3 6 8