Content 1.1 Engineering As a Profession 1.2 Engineering Disciplines Ghazirah Mustapha 1.1 Engineering As a Profession 1.2 Engineering Disciplines 1.3 Engineering Functions
Objectives End of session, student should be able answer :- What is engineering? Who is an engineer? What engineers do ? Difference between engineer & scientist
What is Engineering? A profession in which knowledge of the mathematical and physical sciences gained by study, experience and practice is applied with judgment to develop ways to utilize economics, materials and forces of nature for the progressive well being of human kind. “Engineers’ Council for Professional Development”
Who is an ENGINEER? An Engineer is a person who possesses this knowledge of mathematics and natural sciences, through the principles of analysis and design, applies this knowledge to the solution problems and development of devices, processes, structure and systems for the benefit of all human.”
Engineering Job Life safer Life easier Engineering is an exciting profession! Work in a team to solve challenging problem to make: (Team work) Life safer Life easier
1.1 Engineering As a Profession Ghazirah Mustapha Engineers must describe competence in : Teamwork Communication Planning Analysis & judgment Continuous learning
Scientist/Researcher Technologist & Technician Skilled Tradespersons Technology Team Scientist/Researcher Engineer Technologist & Technician Skilled Tradespersons
Scientist Seeks to understand more about natural phenomena Increased knowledge of nature Discover new knowledge / theories Conduct research in a systematic manner
Engineer Apply knowledge solve problem development benefit to humankind
Technologist & Technician Converts the ideas of scientist and engineers into tangible results e.g : Drafting, estimating, troubleshooting and etc.
Skilled/ Craft Person A person that possesses the skill necessary to produce part specified by engineers, technologists and technicians. e.g : Machinist,plumber,electrician and etc
1.2 Engineering Disciplines Mechanical Engineering Electrical & Electronics Engineering Computer Engineering Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Aerospace Engineering
The function of engineers and engineering assistants : 1.3 Engineering Functions The function of engineers and engineering assistants : Research Operations Development Sales Design Management Production & testing Consulting Construction Teaching
1.4 Engineering Training & Academic Requirement
Education of the engineers and engineering assistants Desirable characteristics Knowledge and skills required
Desirable characteristics A strong interest in and ability to work with mathematics and science taken in high school An ability to think through a problem in a logical manner. A knack for organizing and carrying through to conclusion the solution to a problem. An unusual curiosity about how and why things work
Management Skills “It takes more than having the right engineering skills to be able to move up the career path. Ask any successful engineers, managers or head-hunters, and they will tell you that employers, especially during trying times, look beyond the technical stuff on the resume when hiring new people.” - Malou A. Buencousejo, Electronic Engineering Times, Oct. 2001
Management Skills Budgeting Giving presentations Project planning/management Team leadership Purchasing Personnel hiring Giving presentations Resolving technical trade-off Writing internal reports Writing reports for external communication
Next Class 1.5 Professionalism & Ethics in Engineering 1.6 Professional Regulations & Registrations 1.7 Future Challenges, Prospective & Expectations
“Professionalism is a way of life. ” PROFESIONALISM “Professionalism is a way of life. ” Professional person: Engages in an activity that required specializes and comprehensive education Motivated by a strong desire to serve humanity Thinks and acts in a manner that brings favor upon the individual and the entire profession
Professionalism Main criteria for professional include the following: Academic qualifications Expert and specialized knowledge in field which one is practicing professionally Excellent manual/practical and literary skills in relation to profession. High quality work in (examples): creations, products, services, presentations, consultancy, primary/other research, administrative, A high standard of professional ethics, behaviour and work activities while carrying out one's profession Reasonable work moral and motivation.
PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER A Professional engineer can be said to have the following: Specialized knowledge and skills used for the benefit of humanity Honesty and impartiality in engineering service Constant interest in improving profession Support of professional and technical societies
CODE OF ETHICS OF ENGINEERS The Fundamental Principles: Using their knowledge and skill for the enhancement of human welfare Being honest and impartial and serving with fidelity the public, their employers and clients Striving to increase the competence and prestige of the engineering profession and Supporting the professional and technical societies of their disciplines
Professionalism and Ethics Professional=Technically Sound + Ethically Credible The honor for being an engineer comes with responsibility and civil liability. Every engineer must have the necessary skill and expertise to provide specific engineering services. Engineers must provide independent and unbiased advice, especially when it involves the interest of the public or the customers.
Ethics Is about morality (good vs bad) (right vs wrong) Example :- Islam & Attitude Good Muslim Good Citizen
Ethics The guide to personal conduct of a professional I) General Professional Integrity · Items 25, 26 and 27 generally describe the professional standards that an Engineer is expected to maintain. The Engineer should always act so as to uphold the dignity and reputation of the profession. He should at all times apply the conditions of a contract with equal fairness between his client or employer and the contractor, and should be totally impartial in setting any questions which arise between his client, his employer or his employer’s client, and a contractor. He should be completely loyal to the interests of his client or employer; the Engineer should also keep in mind the general good of society as a whole.
Professional Registrations. Board of Engineers, Malaysia (BEM) Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM) Professional Engineer (PE)
Board of Engineers Malaysia The work of engineers can have significant impact on public interest. BEM is the regulatory body to enforce the Engineers Act to protect public interest. Engineers are bound by the Code of Professional Conduct. Engineers shall be professional in discharging their duty and responsibility in order to uphold the dignity, standing and reputation of the engineering profession. Achieving Professional Engineer status can be regarded as a self fulfillment to enhance the status of a person in the society.
Institution Of Engineers, Malaysia A learned society where engineers of various disciplines in every sector of economic activities come together for mutual helpfulness and sharing of experiences and technologies. IEM works closely with BEM to enhance the status of engineers in the society (accreditation of engineering degree, professional interview, international recognition of standards for the training of professional engineers, etc.) Help young engineers to establish themselves in the ranks. Establish social linkages between engineers.
Professional Engineer (PE) Engineers Act 1967 requires every engineer to be registered with the Board of Engineers, Malaysia (BEM). Graduates from recognized degree program shall be registered as Graduate Engineer to work as an engineer. Practical training more than 3 years is required for application to sit for Professional Interview (PI). A PI candidate will be required to show that he can apply theory in engineering projects and has acquired the skills of investigation, planning and design. Upon passing the PI, the candidate can then apply to BEM for registration as a Professional Engineer.
Future challenges Satisfy the clients requirement output = cost = efficient Information Technology (Computer Solution) New & High Technology Competent