Ms. Brown (English Language Arts) rm 32a October 17th - October 21st Name:____________________ Ms. Brown (English Language Arts) rm 32a This week we will be having a test on the meaning of the words instead of the spelling. Please assist your scholar where needed so they can be successful! We will be working on meanings in class as well. Parents/guardians you can observe your scholar in the classroom for a maximum of 20 mins and you must schedule this with the 2nd grade team no later than 24 hours prior to coming!* Vocabulary Words- adult, alive, covered, fur, giant, groom, mammal, and offspring Homework- Monday: Pumpkin Time Tuesday: Look at the Leaves! Wednesday: Pumpkins Are Popping Up Everywhere Thursday: Halloween Word Search Friday: Turn homework in Monday, October 17th-Friday, October 21st Spirit Week Contact Information - Phone: 702-316-2371 (2:45-3:30, except for Wednesdays) Email: Office Hours: Mondays 2:45pm-3:45pm, please make an appointment with me no later than Fridays at 3:00pm so that I can be prepared for your meeting the following Monday.