Pressures on the nation-state The future of the nation state in a globalised world
Internal Pressures Groups are often striving to gain control over decision making. Examples of this include: *desire for less centralised gov’t in the US and Aust * Independence of East Timor * Conflicts in the Aceh and Papua New Guinea
External Pressures Globalisation This refers to the breakdown of political, economic, social barriers to trade and financial transactions. The emerging global market facilitates more cultural exchanges. The fact that many large firms are richer than some countries enables these businesses to exert power over governments to create uniform laws and arrangements.
NGO’s (Nongovernmental Organisations) External Pressures NGO’s (Nongovernmental Organisations) NGO’s are able to exert significant pressure on nation states to achieve social justice and ecological sustainability. Events such as Live Earth and Live 8 highlight the NGO’s ability to spotlight the significant issues and lobby the government to make changes and alterations to existing legislation.
International Organisations and Treaties External Pressures International Organisations and Treaties Global governance through the adoption International Organisations has been developing strongly through the 20th century to minimise international conflict. Several international agencies have developed during this time: WTO, United Nations, UNEP, UNHCR are some examples. These Organisations do minimise each individual nations ability for complete self-governance.
Short Answer Practice Question Evaluate the future role of the nation-state 6 marks
Challenges to National Sovereignty All of these pressures challenge the future sovereignty of individual nations as they become more intertwined in the global economy and political environment.