The Impact of a Structured Balance Training Program on Elderly Adults Chris King MS, BS, CPT, EMT Graceland University -- Lamoni, IA
What is a Fall? Broad Definition Research Setting Definition “an event whereby an individual comes to rest on the ground or another lower level with or without a loss of consciousness” (Martin, 2011). Research Setting Definition “an unexpected event in which the participants come to rest on the ground, floor, or lower level” (Martin, 2011).
Fall Risk Factors Multiple-Drug Use Psychiatric Activity Abnormalities/Impairments of Gait Compromised Balance Poor Muscular Strength Depression Limitations of Daily Activities Dizziness Etc…
Intervention Criteria If three or more of the following criteria were met, the individual was at significant risk of falling and should receive intervention: taking four or more medications per day history of stroke or Parkinson’s disease self-reported problems with balance unable to get out of chair at knee height, without using arms
Properly Addressing Falls Why has the fall occurred? Before mentioned criteria Age Physical or Cognitive Limits Male or Female?
Outcomes From Falls Sickness Morbidity Functional Impairment Lower Quality of Life Breaks and Fractures Disabilities
Fall Risk Assessment Tools Calculation and Regression Tool: used to analyze and identify interrelationships between risk factors calculated an absolute fall risk of an individual or sample group used to identify areas of particular interest for intervention
Fall Risk Assessment Tools (cont.) John Hopkins Hospital Fall Risk Assessment Tool calculated a subject’s fall risk based on: age fall history Elimination Mobility mental status Medications quantity of assistive patient care equipment
Decreasing Fall Risk Exercise Regularly Balance Training Trail Walking Balance Training Focus on Safety Group Exercising Strength Training
About the Study Purpose Hypothesis Pre-Test Comparisons Examine a structured balance program in elderly adults. Hypothesis Notable improvement in balance from test subjects Pre-Test Comparisons Left Foot: No notable differences in balance of subjects Right Foot: No notable differences in balance of subjects Post-Test Comparisons Right Foot: No significant difference Left Foot: Significant difference
Pre-Study Results Comparison of Subjects Left Foot: No significant differences in balance of subjects Balance Program = 3.0 No Balance Program = 1.625 Right Foot: No significant differences in balance of subjects Balance Program = 2.5 Self-Perceived: No significant differences in balance of subjects Balance Program = 5.0 No Balance Program = 3.75
Post-Study Results Post-Test Comparisons Right Foot: No significant difference in balance of subjects Balance Program = 9.3 No Balance Program = 1.88 Left Foot: Significant difference in balance of subjects Balance Program = 12.0 No Balance Program = 2.0 Self-Perceived Ability Balance Program: 4.5 No Balance Program: 6.0
Conclusion of Study The balance training program demonstrated the potential to improve balance ability. The balance training program increased the sense of ability to balance and self-efficacy of study participants.
Pertinent Findings and Supportive Evidence of Other’s Studies Meta-analysis of 283 Random Clinical Trials, 11,800+ titles, abstracts, & Titles Resulting in association with Reduction in Fall Risk Exercise Combined Exercise with Assessment and Treatment Above + Environmental Assessment and Modification Combined Clinic-level Quality Improvement Strategies (Case Management), Multifactorial Assessment & Treatment, Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation Progresses from Least Evident to Most Evident in Prevention of Falls
Pertinent Findings and Supportive Evidence Cont. (7) Step Training/Interventions A Combination Resistance and Balance-Jumping Exercise Training Lower-extremity Resistance Training on Unstable Surfaces Yielding Improved Muscle Strength, Power, and Balance