Security week 12-16 June 2017 © ETSI 2016. All rights reserved
Themes Overall theme: Standards to support current topical security challenges Workshop 1: Making standards in support of cybersecurity legislation Workshop 2: eIDAS one year after entry in application Workshop 3: Registered e-delivery Workshop 4: NFV security Workshop 5: 5G security © ETSI 2016. All rights reserved
maybe start 1st workshop here??? Week structure draft possible structure for the week Mon 12 Tues 13 Wed 14 Thur 15 Fri 16 Making standards in support of cybersecurity legislation (NISD & GDPR) eIDAS NFV e-Delivery 5G Lunch Lunch maybe start 1st workshop here??? Making standards in support of cybersecurity legislation (NISD & GDPR) eIDAS © ETSI 2016. All rights reserved
Programme Consolidation Overall process Phase 1: Preparation – Who What Where When Set up of the Programme Committee (PC) as per recommendation of TB chair and TO Fixing date & location, validating room availability, Secretariat EVENTS Resource and budget Defining the event objectives, topics and listing the call for presentations criteria with the PC Resulting in event website, registration opening, venue details provision (incl. Hotels) Phase 2: Content building - Launch of the event Public announcement/Call for presentations (website, CL, mailings to targeted contacts, social media, etc..), Abstracts selection, Speaking slot confirmation, Programme/Agenda building by the PC and final promotion of the event (2months before the event at the latest) Phase 3: Programme Consolidation – Coordination & Logistics Speakers support & coordination : registrations, biographies, gathering presentations, Programme coordination : Speakers guideline and briefings, Session chair briefings, panel discussion organisation, etc. Organization of all events’ logistics (venue, A/V, IT, catering, online registration,…) Phase 4: The EVENT, survey to consolidate feedback Until mid Jan 2017 From 2 to 3 months >/=1 week Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Preparation Content building Programme Consolidation Event + survey
Timescales and Planning Phase 1: Event Preparation – until mid January 2017 Build Programme Committees: 15 December 2016 Work on event perimeter and call for presentation topics 16 January 2017 Phase 2: Content Building – from mid Jan until Early April 2017 Launch the Event: 16 January 2017 Website up with event description and details of the call for presentation(s)/ demonstrations mailing + Collective Letter + social media Invitations sent to people/communities we wish to see attending Call for presentations / demonstrations : 16 January – 28 February 2017 Invitations sent to invited speakers: by 30 January 2017 Finalization of Agenda / speakers by PC March Phase 3: Programme Consolidation April till end May Agenda online / speakers confirmed (ETSI EVE) Early April Launch final and complete communication on the full event Early April Chairs and Speakers briefing (ETSI EVE) By the end May EVENT 12-13-14- 15 -16 June EVENT Debrief before mid July IF several call for papers THEN they will all be grouped in a single communication/document need for synchronization !!! PC: defines the objectives of the Workshop, WHY SHOULD PEOPLE ATTEND, WHAT will we show them create an incentive to attend. PC: defines topics for the CfPaper. usually, each topic becomes a session of the event. ETSI EVE TEAM: launches the CfP, receives the proposals, sends regular briefings to the PC, and organize sync-calls when needed. ETSI EVE TEAM: coordinates logistics, maintain site, follows up speakers, gathers presentations
The Role of the Programme Commitee (PC) (1/2) The PC first has to define the perimeter of the workshop: its goals and objectives the topics that it will tackle to make it attractive and relevant at the time it takes place the problematics that will be discussed (ideally in panels) Identify what would make people want to attend it (hot topics!) The PC will then establish a list of topics for the call for presentations. These « topics » will become later the agenda sessions. The PC will also relay the ETSI Com to their own contacts. If the PC is motivated and active, this is done in a 2 hour call and a couple of email exchanges. This is organized by and with the ETSI EVENTS TEAM (EVE) © ETSI 2016. All rights reserved
The Role of the Programme Commitee (PC) (2/2) Once the contributions have been gathered by ETSI EVE, the PC has to review and select the presentation proposals sent, that should fit within the event scope that they have defined. The challenge is to structure the selected presentations in a coherent, flowing and interesting agenda. The eve team will assist the PC with this process but the PC is really the content provider. Once the agenda is complete, ETSI EVE contacts contributors, update site, and will communicate If the PC is motivated and active, this is done in a couple of 2 hour calls. This is organized by and with the ETSI EVENTS TEAM (EVE) © ETSI 2016. All rights reserved