EU-Programme for Education, Youth and Sports - Erasmus+ Educational Programmes in Austria Study Visit Programme, Santiago de Compostela Franziska Staber Federal Ministry for Education Deputy Head of Department for EU-Coordination
EU-Coordination Department Preparation of EU Councils of Education Ministers Delegates to the EU Education Committee National Authority for Erasmus+ Delagates to the Erasmus+ Committee Europe 2020 Strategy (European Semester, CSR, NRP...) Activities in the framework of the Open Method of Coordination Implementation of EU-projects under LLP transversal Programme (policy support to LLL Strategy)
Programme for Lifelong Learning (Comenius, Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus and Grundtvig) In Austria 2007 – 2013 3.625 projects 98.884 young people and adults went abroad each year 16.000 participants 119.754.614,00 EU-Funds + national co-financing of mobility projects -> 26% participation rate of Austrian schools
Survey on internationalization of schools Motivation to take part in international Programmes Extend educational offer Support skills development (language learning, intercultural competences...) and selfconfidence Open new opportunities with mobility programmes Main precondition Without motivated teachers and school leaders these programmes would not be such a success
Erasmus+ What´s new? Erasmus+ is a single integrated programme, covering Education, training and youth and adding sport 7 existing programmes into a single framework LLP Youth in Action Erasmus Mundus Tempus, Alpha, Edulink...
Budget budget of €14.7 billion; + 1,68 billions for external actions programmes 40% increase compared to current spending levels (only Horizon 2020 and Erasmus+ budgets increased)
3 Key Actions LEARNING MOBILITY OF INDIVIDUALS At least 63% COOPERATION FOR INNOVATION AND THE EXCHANGE OF GOOD PRACTICES At least 28% Knowledge Alliances, Sector Skills Alliances, Strategic Partnerships incl cross-sektoral cooperation SUPPORT FOR POLICY REFORM 4.2%
Erasmus+ in Austria Launching event on 22 January with opening speech of Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou 2 national agencies Education Youth