Cross Sectoral partnerships – what can they deliver Cross Sectoral partnerships – what can they deliver ? Media and Learning Conference 21st November 2014 Ciaran Kissane WWW.BAI.IE
Media & Learning Conference WWW.BAI.IE
Media & Learning Conference Adult literacy and numeracy identified as at issue in early 1990s. Range of national and local initiatives ongoing since then This has includes partnerships with local and national television and radio broadcasters BAI funding these initiatives since 2005 providing €5m to support 20 televison projects across 5 channels and €260k to support 19 radio projects across 14 channels WWW.BAI.IE
Media & Learning Conference Adult literacy and numeracy identified as at issue in early 1990s. Range of national and local initiatives ongoing since then This has includes partnerships with local and national broadcasters BAI funding these initiatives since 2005 providing €5m to support 20 projects across 5 channels WWW.BAI.IE
Media & Learning Conference Broadcaster with literacy partner develops the project BAI provides funding for programme production to independent production company Literacy partner develops content with production company – advisory group and others may be involved Literacy partner provides on the ground support WWW.BAI.IE
Media & Learning Conference Programming can reinforce positive messages and promote initiatives in this area Show real learning situations and make content accessible to niche and general audience Account for learners needs and provide ongoing support Involve learners in all areas including promotion, evaluation and advisory group WWW.BAI.IE
Media & Learning Conference WWW.BAI.IE
Ciarán Kissane Broadcasting Authority of Ireland