City of San Ramon Bicycle Master Plan Update Parks Commission December 13, 2017
Background San Ramon creating 1st Bicycle Master Plan to complement General Plan. The Bicycle Master Plan will emphasize and reinforce the direction established in the City’s General Plan to provide a safe and desirable environment for bicycle travel, promote bicycle use as a sustainable and healthy mode of transportation, and provide facilities that encourage and support bicycle use for recreation, travel and a viable commute alternative in San Ramon.
Bicycle Master Plan Objectives: Create a safe, continuous network of facilities that serve all residents; Enhance bicycle use as a viable transportation alternative; Close gaps in the system; Serve key destinations; Reinforce bike safety education programs; and Provide sufficient, conveniently located bike facilities.
Bicycle Master Plan City Council - December 2016 – Approved contract with Toole Design Group to implement San Ramon Bicycle Master Plan. Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) - TAC has formed subcommittees comprised of 2-3 members, to focus on a specific topics, such as Safe Routes to School, CIP, Regional Transportation, etc. The TAC subcommittee works on specific topics and reports back to the TAC. TAC appointed three members to the Bicycle Master Plan subcommittee – Mark Ballock, Bob DuPont and Al Pacheco.
Bicycle Master Plan Tasks completed to date: Formed BMP subcommittee: City staff (Public Works, Planning, Parks), TAC, TDM Advisory Committee, School District Representatives, and Bishop Ranch Business Park. Implemented WikiMap – Public submit input and feedback on existing bicycle conditions and what they would like to see in futures WikiMap on City website June 6, 2017 to July 24, 2017 with feedback from 147 residents.
Bicycle Master Plan Tasks completed to date (continued): Conducted City Tour – June 22, 2017 – 8 stops Held Subcommittee meetings – 3 to date Bicycle Master Plan Workshop – October 19, 2017 – City Hall – 31 attendees Received Existing Conditions Report Developed “draft” Vision Statement
BRite Bikes Network
Sharrows Green Bike Lanes
Funding Contra Costa Transportation Authority – Transportation for Livable Communities (TLC) funding Transportation Development Act (TDA) Grant Funding $75,000 TLC Funding $30,000 TDA3 Grant $105,000 Total Grant Funding
Next Steps Prepare Draft Bicycle Master Plan for review/comment for the TAC – January 2018. Present Draft Bicycle Master Plan to San Ramon Planning Commission – February 2018. Present Draft Bicycle Master Plan to San Ramon Parks Commission – February 2018. Present Draft Bicycle Master Plan to San Ramon Policy Committee – March 2018. Present Final Draft Bicycle Master Plan to City Council for Review and Adoption – March/April 2018. Incorporate the Bicycle Master Plan projects into the FY 2018/2019 – 2023/2024 Five Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and FY 2018/2019 Capital Budget.