The Invitation before us Survey results coastal community church
Goals of today’s presentation Discuss “Change” Explore Posture Review Survey Results Explain Next Steps
Discussing “Change”…
Examples of change…
Change can be… Unknown Scary Uncertain Loss Anxiety creating Uncomfortable Confusing Awkward Unknown
Change Can Also be… Invigorating Exciting Opportunity Creating Adventurous Hopeful Horizon Expanding Refreshing
Explore posture
Our approach to change…
Lets be…
Survey Results
Is coastal your home church? Survey Section 1
1. How long have you been attending coastal?
2. How did you find out about Coastal?
3. What makes you love and feel committed to CCC?
giving Survey Section 2
1. How feel like you understand Jesus’ teaching on giving?
2. How would you describe your giving frequency? 70% give regularly 25% give only when attending
3. How would you describe your financial giving?
5. Would you commit to giving what you can consistently or extra for a 6-month period to help CCC stabilize our financial situation? 80% willing to give consistently/more Hard to determine impact without getting more detail
The building Survey Section 3
1. What’s your hometown?
2a. List the Pros of Selling (64 Responses) Some quotes… Financial freedom Jesus was on the move Pivot point for congregation Debt relief Space to assess what’s next for us More $$ for mission Flexibility Attract new members
2b. List the Cons of Selling (49 Responses) Some quotes… Starting from scratch, even financially Change is difficult Loss of hometown What’s the plan after selling? Not everyone will stay Stress on leadership team
3a. List the Pros of Staying (33 Responses) Some quotes… Keep the memories Known/comfortable Scarborough presence Less likely to lose members right away Room to grow No renting setup/teardown
3b. List the Cons of Staying (34 Responses) Some quotes… Not a good use of resources Stairs difficult for older members Children’s space not ideal Unsustainability Not aligned with vision
4a. If we sell the building, where do you see CCC moving to? About half will go anywhere About 20% prefer Scarborough 4 wrote in Portland
4b. If we sell the building, what goals would you have for a new location? “Other” Ideas: Neighborhood in need of ministry Better children’s space More suitable for seniors (A/C, stairs) Room to grow Vision alignment
5a. If we stay in the building, how would we cover costs for the long term?
5b. If we stay in the building, how would you see us practicing faithful presence in Scarborough? Lots of ideas! Community involvement and outreach…
6. Which way are you leaning at present?
Survey summary & Next Steps
Survey key themes Strong majority (about 80%) lean toward selling the building 20% prefer to stay in Scarborough, the rest don’t care or prefer another town Common themes: lower costs, gain space/flexibility to discern next steps together, have room to grow…Rent rather than buy initially? Strong survey engagement, love for one another, affirmation of leadership, willingness to give, and desire to be led by the Spirit together… …thank you Coastal Family!
Next steps Financial pledge cards Explore location options Move toward vote
Financial pledge cards Next steps Financial pledge cards 6 months: Jan-Jun 2018 Due Jan. 7 Results provided Jan.14
Explore location options Next steps Explore location options Option 1: “Minimize Change”: Rent in Scarborough Option 2: “Portland Neighborhood”: Rent in Deering Center or other Portland neighborhood Options 3+: TBD What else? We are open to community suggestions.
Next steps Move toward vote Research building sale considerations Research location options Refine “Faithful Presence” Vision Seek LOTS of community input Draft clear vote language
Next steps timeline December January February+ 12/3: Distribute Pledge Cards Research Location Options Research building sale considerations Gain Community Input January 1/7: Pledge Cards Due 1/14: Congregational Update & Forum Vision Refinement Write language for vote February+ February: congregational vote Move forward with vote results
Thank you, Coastal Family, for considering THE INVITATION BEFORE US! Questions? Thank you, Coastal Family, for considering THE INVITATION BEFORE US!