Continents and Oceans Week 3 GLEs 1, 3, 5, 15
A world map shows an image of the world.
There are 7 continents: Asia North America Europe Africa South America Australia Antarctica 5 4 1 3 2 6 7
Asia Asia
Africa Africa
North America North America
South America South America
Antarctica Antarctica
Europe Europe
Australia Australia
Our world has lots of water! The big bodies of water are called oceans. The Earth has 4 oceans. Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean Pacific Ocean Arctic Ocean
Indian Ocean Indian Ocean
Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean
Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean
Arctic Ocean Arctic Ocean
The world is a sphere. A sphere is round. Half a sphere is called a HEMISPHERE.
The world can be divided into 4 hemispheres. Northern Hemisphere Southern Hemisphere Eastern Hemisphere Western Hemisphere
Eastern and Western Hemisphere The Eastern and Western Hemisphere are separated by the prime meridian. The Eastern Hemisphere is east of the prime meridian. The Western Hemisphere is west of the prime meridian.
Northern and Southern Hemisphere The Northern and Southern Hemisphere are separated by the equator. The Northern Hemisphere is north of the equator. The Southern Hemisphere is south of the equator.
Did you know??? Maps have imaginary lines. These lines help us locate where places are. These lines are called latitude and longitude.
Longitude and Latitude
Longitude Lines Longitude lines are lines that run north to south. (North Pole to South Pole) They are measured east and west. Longitude lines are vertical lines.
0° Longitude 0° Longitude is the Prime Meridian. It runs from north to south on a map. It runs from the North Pole to the South Pole. The Prime Meridian runs through Greenwich, England. Prime Meridian
Latitude lines Latitude lines are lines that run from east to west. They are measured using North and South. These are horizontal lines.
0° Latitude Equator 0° Latitude is called the Equator. It runs east to west. It runs through the middle of the world. Equator
North Pole South Pole
So where do we live in this great big world?
We live in North America This is your continent!
A country is a place on the earth’s surface that is ruled by a national government.
Our country is United States of America. This is your country!
This is a national map. It shows the image of a country. A state is a territory in the United States ruled by a state government. This is a national map. It shows the image of a country.
Our state is Louisiana. This is your state!
This is a state map. It shows the image of a state. A parish is an area within the state of Louisiana. Other states have counties. This is a state map. It shows the image of a state.
Our parish is St. Bernard Parish. This is your parish!
A city is a place inside a parish/county.
We live in Chalmette, Meraux, Arabi This is your city!