Preparation for learning: MARXISM FUNCTIONALISM On your whiteboard – summarise the similarities and differences between Marxism and Functionalism - explain
Lesson Objectives Understand Feminist theory of the family Quote appropriate writers for this theory Understand what the theory suggests Evaluate the theory
Feminism How are women defined? Watch the background on feminism. What are your thoughts? In what ways have women been oppressed. How is femininity perceived in western society? What are the miss conceptions of feminism? How are women defined?
Feminist Perspectives Conflict theory – between males and females They are interested in the structure of patriarchy (male domination, female subordination and therefore gender inequality) that characterizes the organisation of modern societies. Focus on gender inequality in education, employment, social mobility, political power and family relationships.
Patriarchy Central to the feminist approach is the idea of patriarchy or male dominance of society. Patriarchy is reinforced in the family. Feminists argue that men benefit from families at the expense of women - both in their personal experience and broadly because the family sustains patriarchy in society.
Types of Feminism There are many types of feminism; Liberal Radical Marxist Difference
Task In groups you will each be assigned a different feminist approach You will each become an expert on this type of feminism. You must make a teaching aid to help the others understand your area. You must make sure that your teaching aid includes: Bullet notes of the most important points An image An example - MUST be contemporary You must be able to explain it without reading it off your sheet.
Preparation for Learning Pictionary
Lesson Objective To be able to evaluate feminist perspectives of society.
Feminism Individually what can you remember? Liberal Marxist Radical Difference Individually what can you remember?
Feminism Liberal Marxist Radical Difference See society as patriarchal but suggest that women's opportunities are improving because of the feminization of the economy. Wilkinson – genderquake (recent radical changes) More demanding within society. No longer viewed as second class citizens. Optimistic view Benston sees patriarchy as an ideological (system of ideas and ideals) aspect of capitalism. Inequalities in society emphasizes the idea that women are inferior to men – capitalism makes women easier to control and exploit men and women. Women's domestic roles are important for capitalism in terms of the superstructure influencing the infrastructure. Women are seen as disposable. Delphy argues that gender inequality is more important than class inequality. Modern societies exploit and oppress women in all aspects of social life. Patriarchal ideology is used to control women for the benefit of men. When this fails women are always under the threat of male violence and sexual aggression which inevitably controls them .
Construct Judge whether the you think the following evaluation points are strengths or weaknesses of each feminist perspective – explain why.
Construct evaluation Liberal Marxist Radical Their work has demonstrated that gender differences are not inborn but the result of different treatment and socialisation patters. Liberal-feminists can be seen to be over-optimistic as they ignore the fact that there are deep seated structures casing women's oppression such as capitalism, they believe that things will gradually change. This is in contrast to Radical and Marxist feminists who believe that revolutionary changes are needed. They show a greater understanding of the importance structural factors than liberal feminism. However it fails to explain women's subordination in non-capitalist societies. Unpaid domestic labour may benefit capitalism, but it does not explain why it is women and not men who perform it. Place too much emphasis on they way in which men (including working class men) – and not just capitalism – oppress women and benefit from unpaid labour. It is not proven that unpaid domestic labour is in fact the cheapest way of reproducing labour power. E.g. It could be through state funded nurseries. They draw attention to issues within domestic labour, domestic violence etc. Radical feminists offer no explanation for why female subordination takes different forms i different societies. Also it assumes that all women are in the same position e.g. A middle class women may have more in common than a working class woman. Patriarchy may already be in decline. Liberal feminists argue that women's positions have improved greatly in recent years as a result of social reforms and changing attitudes. Better education, better jobs, gender equality
Apply What do we know about each type of feminism in relation to education and families and households? You are going to use this information including the evaluation to create a newspaper article on A3 paper – you must cover all types of feminism but your stories can relate to education or the family. You can make things up e.g. Crosswords/interviews/stories as long as it has a feminist focus.
Feminism Assess the usefulness of feminist contribution to our understanding of society today (33 marks) What information would you use?