Inner-Shift Joie de Vivre Agrow-Culture COLORS IN ACTION 2019+ COLOR APPLICATIONS WORKSHOP COLORS IN ACTION Colors in Action – Group #1 Facilitator – Luana Rubin Inner-Shift Joie de Vivre Agrow-Culture
1 Inner-Shift 2019+ Trend Story #1: 2019+ COLOR APPLICATIONS WORKSHOP COLORS IN ACTION 1 2019+ Trend Story #1: Inner-Shift Balancing with technology, seeking Clarity and Stillness. More spiritual and mysticism, dreams and whimsical uses of color with sheen. Any of these can be used with a metallic, sheen or pearl finish. Gemstones, Natural and Holistic. Loneliness, Isolation, want Peace, wanting to Connect. New Modern Neutrals. Soothing, reflective, transparent and calm. Frozen, halted growth, slowing growth, freezing expansion. Deeper or Misty colors. Ethereal tints & shades. Scandi-American: American interpretation of Scandinavian. Modern Goes Mainstream. Fantasy Designs – fairies and butterflies. Softer Palette – sophisticated. Soft colors for Electronics. Micro- and Co-Housing, Gender-Neutral Colors. Retreat/ing: Spiritual, Yoga, Media-Free Retreats. INSERT ROYALTY FREE IMAGES THAT SUPPORT YOUR STORY HERE (Artwork by Ira Kennedy)
2019+ COLOR APPLICATIONS WORKSHOP COLORS IN ACTION 1 What markets will be influenced by these trends? How will these trends affect product, color and design? What other markets/industries will be influenced by these trends? . How will these trend affect the way color is represented (lighter, brighter, etc.)? have any special attributes (sheen, metallic, etc.)?
2 2019+ Trend Story #2: Joie de Vivre 2019+ COLOR APPLICATIONS WORKSHOP COLORS IN ACTION 2 2019+ Trend Story #2: Joie de Vivre Young at Heart, Blue Sky Thinking, Pursuit of Happiness. Embracing the BOLD, Rejuvenating Spirit. Multicultural expression, Experience of Now. Testing Limits, Self-Seeking Enjoyment, Call to Action Colors. Unique Self – My Own Way. Freedom from limitations. Be anything you want! Own it! Here I am! Splurging on children and making memories. Updating the old with new color, Revitalizing. Interests and Hobbies as jobs. Pride in who we are – for Millennials. More acceptance of natural skintone – Asians now getting Suntans. Intergenerational Living, Multigenerational. Western TV Talent Shows (like Voice) Adapted to Asia. K-Pop Korean Dramas. Bright and Cheery, Ageless Living for Everyone. New culture of keeping memories. Celebrate ourselves – looks, beliefs and desires. Transformation, Time for Innovation, Dystopian Pop of Brights. (Photos by Patrica Angulo) How will this story be affecting color in your industry? INSERT ROYALTY FREE IMAGES THAT SUPPORT YOUR STORY HERE
2019+ COLOR APPLICATIONS WORKSHOP COLORS IN ACTION 2 What markets will be influenced by these trends? How will these trends affect product, color and design? What other markets/industries will be influenced by these trends? How will these trend affect the way color is represented (lighter, brighter, etc.)? have any special attributes (sheen, metallic, etc.)?
3 2019+ Trend Story #3: Agrow-Culture 2019+ COLOR APPLICATIONS WORKSHOP COLORS IN ACTION 3 2019+ Trend Story #3: Agrow-Culture Establishing roots & Homesteading. Connect with Nature. Living and extending from Inside to Outside. Slow Money, Slow Food, Slow Farming. Indoor Farming. Using Natural Resources to build a Treehouse. Resilience, Regeneration of Values, Grounded. Sustainable, the Force of Nature. Water conservation, Rainwater irrigation, Natural water supplies. Longer flooring planks mean less maintenance. Authenticity, Harmony, Farm to Table. Tiny House, Renovate instead of Moving, Making use of what you have. Earth reacting to Humankind. (Photos by Gretchen Sell) How will this story be affecting color in your industry? INSERT ROYALTY FREE IMAGES THAT SUPPORT YOUR STORY HERE INSERT ROYALTY FREE IMAGES THAT SUPPORT YOUR STORY HERE
2019+ COLOR APPLICATIONS WORKSHOP COLORS IN ACTION 3 What markets will be influenced by these trends? How will these trends affect product, color and design? What other markets/industries will be influenced by these trends? How will these trend affect the way color is represented (lighter, brighter, etc.)? have any special attributes (sheen, metallic, etc.)?