The Final Business Proposal With Team Golf and Team Hotel
History of syngas price MEET 2 Team Golf MEET 2 Team Hotel Team Golf initial guess for syngas price was $50/ton (February 2011) Team Hotel has not begun economics
History of syngas price MEET 3 Team Golf MEET 3 Team Hotel Team Golf moved the price of syngas to $150/ton (February 2011) for an IRR of 40.5% Capital cost was $418 million Team Hotel had syngas price set at $200/ton (February 2011) for an IRR of 3.58% Capital cost was $320 million
History of syngas price MEET 4- Team Golf MEET 4- Team Hotel Team Golf used expanded timeline for start-up with a syngas price of $300/ton Capital cost was $418 million Syngas price raised to $300/ton (April 2011) to give an IRR of 29.17% Capital cost was $238 million MEET 4- Joint Econ The joint economic venture IRR was 34.2%
History of syngas price MEET 5- Team Golf MEET 5- Team Hotel The price was iterated to $457.80 to give both teams an IRR of 29.8% Capital cost was $418 million Syngas priced raised to $457.80/ton (April 2011) to match IRRs at 29.72% Capital cost now $321 million MEET 5- Joint Econ The joint economic venture IRR was 24.2%
Comparison of IRR’s
How are joint ventures usually formed? Agreements are drawn up in contracts to stabilize prices among the two companies Complicated legal arrangements are necessary for both companies to work together and profit Protracted negotiations needed to arrange details of responsibility and management
In industry… The discussion that took place between Team Golf and Team Hotel is unrealistic. The price of syngas would have never been matched to meet a desired IRR. A company would have given a price and only budged slightly from that; the amount they could afford to pay would have never been stated. There are no stand alone gasifier plants. Team Hotel would likely use LNG that is water reformed to provide feedstock
The Final Decision Team Golf and Team Hotel will not be moving forward with a joint venture The final price of syngas is: $457.80/ton This price gives both teams an IRR of 29.8% A joint venture gives an IRR of 24.1%, which is not as profitable as separate