Fig. 4. 70-year-old male with pathologically confirmed ductal adenocarcinoma. A. Initial CT image shows 0.4 cm unilocular cyst (arrowhead) in tail of pancreas. B. Follow-up CT image obtained 3 years later reveals newly developed, ill-defined low attenuated mass (arrow) in location of original cyst. C, D. MR images demonstrate no interval change of original cyst (arrowhead). Note that cyst (arrowhead) is located in vicinity of solid pancreatic mass (arrow). Fig. 4. 70-year-old male with pathologically confirmed ductal adenocarcinoma. A. Initial CT image shows 0.4 cm unilocular cyst (arrowhead) in tail of pancreas. B. Follow-up CT image obtained 3 years later reveals newly developed, ill-defined low attenuated mass (arrow) in location of original cyst. C, D. MR images demonstrate no interval change of original cyst… Korean J Radiol. 2017 Nov-Dec;18(6):915-925.