Outline the steps خطوات in the selection اختيار process عملية The steps in the selection process are: 1- The Employment application(تطبيق) form(نموذج). 2- Preliminary(تمهيدي) Interview 3- Formal(رسمي) Testing(اختبار).
Outline the steps in the selection process 4- Second or Follow up(متابعة) Interview. 5- Reference(مرجع) Checking(فحص). 6- Physical Examination فحص جسدي . 7- Making(جعل) the final(نهائي) Selection Decision(القرار).
Formal Testing Aptitude(أهلية) Test: means of measuring(قياس) a person’s capacity(قدرة) or potential(محتمل) ability(القدرة) to learn and perform(نفذ) a job. Psychomotor(نفسي) Test: measure a person’s strength(قوة), dexterity(براعة), and coordination(تنسيق). Job Knowledge Test: measure the job – related(متعلق) knowledge possessed(امتلك) by a job applicant.
Formal Testing Proficiency(إتقان) test: measure how well the applicant can do a sample(عينة) of work required in the position. Interest(اهتمام) test: are designed(تصميم) to determine(تحديد) how a person’s interests compare with interests of successful people in a specific job. Personality(شخصية) test: attempt to measure personality characteristics(مميز).
Structured and Unstructured Interviews Structured(منظم) Interview: is conducted(أجرى) using a predetermined(سلفا) outline. Unstructured Interviews: are conducted without a predetermined checklist(المرجعية) of questions.
Define Validity تعريف المصداقية Validity refers to how well a criterion predictor actually predicts the criteria of job success. المعايير متنبئ في الواقع متنبئ
Predicative Validity مسند Predicative تنبؤي Validity is established(أنشأ) by identifying(تحديد) a criterion predictor such as a test, administering the test to the entire poolمجموعة of job applicantsالمتقدم للوظيفة, and hiring(تأجير) people to fill(شغل) the available(متاح) jobs without regard to their test scores. At later date, the test scores are correlated with the criteria of job success to see whether(سواء) those people with high(ارتفاع) test scores performed substantially جوهريthan those with low(منخفض) test scores.
Concurrent validity Concurrent(متزامن) validity is established by identifying a predictor such as a test, administering the test to present employees, and correlating the test scores with the present employee's performances on the job.
Content Validity Content(محتوى) validity: refers to whether the content of a selection(اختيار) procedure(إجراء) or selection instrument(ادوات), such as a test, is representative(ممثل) of important aspects(الجوانب) or performance on the job.
Construct validity Construct(بناء) validity: refers to the extent(مدى) to which a selection procedure or instrument measures(قياس) the degree to which job candidatesالمرشحيين للوظيفة have identifiableمحددة characteristics(مميز) that have been determined(مصمم) to be important for successful job performance. Job related constructs might include verbal abilityقدرة لفظية, space visualizationالتصور الواسع, and perceptual(الإدراك الحسي) speedمدى.
Reliability Reliability(الاعتمادية): refers to the extent to which a criterion predictor produces(إنتاج) consistent(متسق) results(نتيجة) if repeated(كرر) measurements are made.
Reference: Byars, L. and Rue, L., “Human Resource Management”, 9th , McGraw Hill, (2008).