Open your notebook to class notes Skip a line and date it for today The date goes on the ________? Label your notes and underline the title
Vocabulary, Grammar, and Root Studies Expectations What you must complete weekly for vocab, grammar, and root studies.
Weekly Vocab Almost every week you will receive 10 vocab words. You must: Write in the word on the line as we are discussing in class On a separate sheet of paper: Write the word Write the part of speech Write the COMPLETE definition Write the synonyms and antonyms Create a sentence of your own utilizing the word. At least three of your sentences must ALSO use words that incorporate the Greek/Latin roots we are studying that week. (Star the words you chose to use).
Greek and Latin Roots Almost every week you will receive a list of Greek or Latin Root words to study. We will review them in class. You will also receive a word sort – it is your job to write the correct word in the definition box. ALSO you WILL include these roots in your vocab sentences. You must use the roots in at least 3 of your self-made vocab sentences. (Star the words that you chose to use).
Example Vocab - 1. Approbation – (n) the expression of approval or favorable opinion, praise; official approval. Etymology - Synonyms – Antonyms – The navy official expressed its approbation of the air strike by vehemently pounding on the table. 2-10 complete
Schedule for Vocab, Roots, & Grammar Your vocabulary studies will be done in 3 week chunks. For the first two weeks of each study, you will receive a list of words on Mondays – your vocab and root assignment will be due on Wednesday. During the third week you will receive test review items – no new words. On the Friday of the third week you will have a test over the vocabulary, root words, and grammar that we have studied. Grammar will be separate from this work, and students will be responsible for watching due dates.