Senior English 3/21/16 “Though this be madness; yet there is method in’t.” Hamlet Act II, Scene 2 Do you know the problem with political jokes? Catawampously – Defined as chest-out, big doggin’ bravado. Goals – Discuss the ghost. And Hamlet’s reaction to it. Watch Act II. Homework – Prepare your first written assignment. Don’t forget to study for vocabulary #23 Friday. They get elected.
Senior English 3/22/16 As parents, why is it important for Gertrude and Claudius to know the source of Hamlet’s behavior? As the King, why does Claudius need to know? Politicians and diapers should be changed regularly – and for the same reason. Anti-goddlin’ – uneven, out-of-whack. Goals –View Hamlet Act II. Homework – None.
Senior English 3/23/16 In a modern court, what kinds of evidence are necessary to convict a murderer? What signs of guilt will Hamlet accept as proof of Claudius’ guilt? When is a door not a door? Rug rank – a higher ranking officer; those who rate a rug in their office. Goals – Watch Act III Period 3. Act IV for period 5. Homework – none. When it is ajar.
Senior English 3/24/16 What distinctions do you make between irrational and insane behavior?Why does society consider insanity a reasonable defense for murder? Why won’t sharks attack lawyers? Wargasm – the condition that occurs when all the nuclear and thermonuclear buttons get pushed. Goals – Complete watching Hamlet. Homework – Prepare for vocab. 23 tomorrow. Professional courtesy
Senior English 3/25/16 Complete Vocabulary #23 quiz. Which are the strongest days? Cejijunto – unibrow Goals – Complete Quiz 23. Finish hamlet or begin choosing scenes. Homework – Use handout to begin work with your scene. Saturday and Sunday, the others are week days.