The Campbell County Sheriff’s Office Class Action VIRGINIA TEENS AND THE LAW! High School SGT. M.B. LAWHORN and The Campbell County Sheriff’s Office Sheriff Terry Gaddy
Under Virginia law, CRIMINAL offenses are classified as either….. FELONIES OR MISDEMEANORS
What is a... FELONY? A FELONY is a crime for which the minimum penalty is one year in prison and the maximum penalty is death.
Felonies are broken into... SIX Classes!
Hidden Punishments!
Loss of the privilege to VOTE! Can not hold public office! Can not possess firearms for any reasons!
A MISDEMEANOR is a crime for which the Penalty is imprisonment for one year or less!
Misdemeanors are broken into... FOUR Classes!
18. 2-32 Murder other than capitol murder 18.2-32 Murder other than capitol murder. Premeditated,willful or while in the act of committing other crimes is punishable by spending 20 years to LIFE and a possible fine of up to $100,000
18.2-51 Any person that maliciously shoots,stabs, cuts or wounds by any means any other person OR causes him bodily harm with the intent to maim, disfigure or kill shall be guilty of a Class 3 Felony. Without malice, it is a Class 6 felony.
18.2-51.4 Maiming, etc., of another resulting from driving while intoxicated. Unlawful for any person to unintentionally cause serious bodily injury to another when driving while intoxicated and whose conduct shows a reckless disregard for human life.
18.2-56.1 Reckless handling of a firearm class 1 Misdemeanor to handle recklessly any firearm so as to endanger the Life, Limb or Property of any person. 18.2-56.2 Allowing children access to firearms Class 3 misdemeanor to leave a loaded, unsecured firearm in such a manner that endangers the life or limb of a person under 14 or to knowingly authorize a child under 12 to use a firearm except with supervision
18.2-57 If you commit assault and battery against another person you are guilty of a Class 1 Misdemeanor! If a person is assaulted because of race, color, religion, or origin - the bad guy will get a mandatory term of 6 months (30 days - not suspended) If injured, it becomes a Class 6 felony (same 30 days not suspended) Police officer - Class 6 Felony Firefighter - Class 6 Felony Teacher – Class 1 Misdemeanor
18.2-57.2 Assault and Battery against a family or household member. This is a class one misdemeanor and a class 6 felony upon the third conviction. In Virginia if police are dispatched and there is evidence of a Domestic Assault someone goes to jail!
Any written threat to any person Class 6 Felony 18.2-60 Any person who makes an oral threat of death or bodily harm to school personnel shall be guilty of a Class 1 Misdemeanor Any written threat to any person Class 6 Felony
Except Law Enforcement or P.I. Performing their duties 18.2-60.3 Stalking If a person on more than one occasion pursues or approaches a person intending to place that person in fear of death or sexual assault or bodily harm is guilty of a class 1 misdemeanor, third offense is a class 6 felony Except Law Enforcement or P.I. Performing their duties
If person is under 15 he is guilty of a Class 1 Misdemeanor 18.2-83 Any one who threatens to bomb, burn, destroy or damage a building or means of transportation shall be guilty of a Class 5 Felony. If person is under 15 he is guilty of a Class 1 Misdemeanor
18.2-95 Any person who steals money or personal items from another person is guilty of a FELONY! 1 to 20 years in prison or 12 months in jail or $2,500 - either or both Personal items more than $5.00 Goods that are more that $200.00
Personal items less than $5.00 Goods that are less that $200.00 18.2-96 Any person who steals money or personal items from another is guilty of a Class 1 Misdemeanor Personal items less than $5.00 Goods that are less that $200.00
3rd offense of any larceny - Felony 18.2-103 If you try to take, aid another, alter or transfer a price tag, or defraud a business of merchandise for the purpose of keeping the merchandise - you shall be guilty of a Class 1 Misdemeanor. $200 or more - Felony 3rd offense of any larceny - Felony
18.2-128 Any person that , without consent , goes on or enters upon, in the nighttime,the premises or property of any church or school shall be guilty of a Class 3 Misdemeanor If told to leave or enter where there is a posted sign - you are guilty of a Class 1 Misdemeanor
18.2-130 Any person who spies or peeps into another person’s window, door, or any other aperture is guilty of a Class 1 Misdemeanor
18.2-138 Any person who damages any window, door, or any other part of a capitol, school, city hall to include books, newspapers, maps, pictures…is guilty of a Class 1 Misdemeanor. Over $1,000 is a Class 6 Felony
Without malice - Class six Felony 18.2-154 Any person who maliciously shoots at or throws any missile at any occupied car, train, or watercraft, where the life of any person on that vehicle may be put into peril is guilty of a class 4 Felony. Without malice - Class six Felony Mandatory one year term for shooting at an emergency vehicle.
Suspended license up to 1 year 4.1-305 Any person, under 21, who possesses or attempts to possess alcohol is guilty of a Class 1 Misdemeanor “Use you lose” $500 or 50 hours Suspended license up to 1 year
4.1-306 Purchasing alcohol for persons whom they may not be sold to CLASS 1 MISDEMEANOR
4.1-309 Any one who drinks or possesses alcohol on school grounds or during school activities shall be guilty of a Class 2 Misdemeanor
18. 2-250. 1 It is unlawful for any person to possess marijuana 18.2-250.1 It is unlawful for any person to possess marijuana. First offense is up to 30 days in jail and up to $500 fine. Second offense is a class one misdemeanor. 18.2-248.1 It is unlawful for any person to sell, distribute or GIVE marijuana. Violation of this law can result in 12 months to 30 years depending on the amount of marijuana.
18.2-255.2 Any person who sells, makes, gives or distributes any controlled substances while on school grounds, school bus, hospital, recreational center, or library within 1,000 feet - will be guilty of a felony Not less than 1 year or more than 5 years and fined not more than $100,000
18.2-264 Any one who smells or inhales any drugs or any other chemicals to dull the brain is guilty of a Class 1 Misdemeanor If you deliberately cause or invite someone else to inhale you are guilty of a Class 2 Misdemeanor
Any offense - suspended license 18.2-371.2 Any one who possesses tobacco under the age of 18 shall be guilty of a civil penalty 1st offense - $100 2nd offense - $250 Any offense - suspended license
18. 2-504. 1 You cannot change or assume someone else’s name 18.2-504.1 You cannot change or assume someone else’s name. Class 3 misdemeanor. 46.2-347 Using a false ID to obtain alcohol is a class 3 misdemeanor and you lose your license for 30 days to a year! Possessing a false I.D. Class 2 Misd FRAUD 18.2-204.1 Possessing or obtaining any document that is used for establishing a false identity Class 1 Misdemeanor Class 6 felony - gun purchase
18. 2-282 Brandishing a firearm 18.2-282 Brandishing a firearm. It is unlawful for any person to hold, point, or brandish any firearm or any object similar in appearance to a firearm whether capable of being fired or not. This is a class 1 misdemeanor unless it happens on school property then it is a class 6 felony.
18.2-308 Any person who carries a hidden weapon - gun, knife, razor, ice pick, etc… is guilty of a Class 1 Misdemeanor 2nd violation - Class 6 Felony 3rd violation - Class 5 Felony
If weapon shoots you are guilty of a Class 6 Felony. 18.2-308.1 If you have ANY weapons on the school grounds, bus, school activities - you are guilty of a Class 1 Misdemeanor If weapon shoots you are guilty of a Class 6 Felony.
Weapon will be taken and destroyed by the Commonwealth 18.2-308.7 Any person under the age of 18 who possesses a handgun or assault rifle is guilty of a Class 1 Misdemeanor! Weapon will be taken and destroyed by the Commonwealth
18.2-371 If you are eighteen years of age or older, including a parent, who contributes to, or encourages, or causes any condition which renders a child delinquent or in need of services or supervision, then you are guilty of contributing to the delinquency of a minor which is a class 1 misdemeanor.
18.2-388 Any person who swears or is intoxicated in public is guilty of a Class 4 Misdemeanor.
18.2-416 Any person who uses abusive or profane language toward another concerning himself or his relations is guilty of a... Class 3 Misdemeanor
18.2-415 Any person who acts with the intent to cause a public inconvenience, annoyance or alarm, or recklessly creates a risk to the public is guilty of a Class 1 Misdemeanor!
18.2-460 Obstructing Justice Any person who knowingly and willfully makes any materially false statement or representation to a law-enforcement officer who is in the coarse of conducting an investigation of a crime by another is guilty of a Class 2 Misdemeanor.
18.2-461 Any person, who knowingly gives a false report as to the commission of any crime to a police officer shall be guilty of a Class 1 Misdemeanor
1st offense is a Class 3 Misdemeanor 22.1-254 If you are between the ages of 5 & 18 you MUST be in school - if you are not you are TRUANT! 1st offense is a Class 3 Misdemeanor 2nd offense is a Class 2 Misdemeanor
If you encourage a child to be absent from school... 22.1-265 If you encourage a child to be absent from school... 1st offense is a Class 3 Misdemeanor 2nd offense is a Class 2 Misdemeanor
22.1-266 A law enforcement officer may pick up any child who is reported truant from school. Or if the law enforcement officer determines by age and circumstances the child is truant from school.
Driving Drunk
If a juvenile uses alcohol, drugs, refuses to take a breath test, sells drugs, are drunk in public, or possesses a handgun they will lose their license or be denied a license!
18.2-266 It is unlawful for any person to operate any motor vehicle while their ability to operate or drive such motor vehicle is impaired. .08 18.2-266.1 It is unlawful for any person under 21 years of age to operate a motor vehicle after illegally consuming alcohol. .02
Implied Consent 18.2-268.2
The Commonwealth of Virginia is a Driver’s responsibility state. Whoever is operating a vehicle upon the highways in Virginia is responsible for the actions and condition of the vehicle.While the vehicle is operating Virginia the vehicle must be in compliance with Virginia Law.
18.2-817 Eluding Police Any person who receives a visible or audible signal to stop and fails to do so is guilty of a Class 3 Misdemeanor. If such person drives so as to interfere with or endanger the operation of the Law-Enforcement Vehicle or endanger a person is guilty of a Class 6 Felony.
Aggressive Driving PAGE 29
Window Tint Must have a mirror on each side of the vehicle Rear side and rear window must not reduce the total light transmittance of the window to less than 35% Front Side windows must not reduce the total light transmittance of the window to less than 50%
Seat Belts 16 and older in front seats Between 6 and 16 anywhere in vehicle Through age 5 must be properly secured in a restraint device that meets standards adopted by the United States Department of Transportation
Pickup Trucks Under 16
Licensure of Drivers 16 year olds may not carry more than one passenger under the age 18 17 year olds may not carry more than three passengers under age the of 18 Passenger limits do not apply to family members Licensed drivers under age 18 may not drive between Midnight and 4 am EXCEPT To and from work or school sponsored activity Emergency or accompanied by a parent or adult
Sgt MB Lawhorn Sheriff’s office 434-592-9580 Sgt MB Lawhorn Sheriff’s office 434-592-9580 Rustburg High School 434-332-5171