Common Security Mistakes Security Awareness Incident Response Poor Password Management Bad administrative practices Over-privileged Users Unused Services Unsecured Servers Mis-configured Edge Devices Poor Auditing/Logging Practices Poor Data Access Control
Internal Users External Users SharePoint Server Anonymous
Windows Authentication Anonymous Access Access to users without server accounts Enabled in IIS Disabled in SharePoint 2007 Windows Authentication Pluggable authentication Independent identity Custom code ASP .NET Authentication Pluggable authentication Independent identity Custom code
Administrator: Full Control over logs Ability to restore from backup Administrator: Full Control over data Full Control over logs Ability to restore from backup Busy Content Owner: Full Control over data Responsible for data Ability to restore from Recycle Bin Content Owner: Responsible for data
Second-level Recycle Bin Site Collection Administrators Central Administrators Default full access Fix lockouts Second-level Recycle Bin Grant self-access Logged-on Event Log Unremoveable permissions
Owners Visitors Members Full control access Visitors Read-only access Members Lists and libraries
Permission Levels Full Control Design Contribute Read Fine Grained Owners Full Control Design Contribute Read Fine Grained Visitors Members
Author defines permissions to file. Recipient Author defines permissions to file. Document is encrypted with symmetric key. RMS server encrypts the file with a public key and adds it to publishing license. Author distributes the file. Recipient opens a protected file RMS server validates permission and issues license to decrypt the file. File is opened. Recipient is limited to tasks defined by permissions Windows Server 2003 with RMS Database Server Active Directory Server
User Downloads Document Role Matched to Library License to Decrypt Issued Permissions Granted
SQL Server 2005 Security Windows Server SQL Server Database Monitoring Domain Policies SQL Server Connections Logins Database Schema Catalog Monitoring Triggers Notification SQL Server 2005 Security
Schema Object Permissions
Secure by default Surface Area Configuration Encryption HTTP Endpoints
Services and features off by default Local connections only SAC to enable services / features Windows Server 2003 SQL Server 2005 Upgrade preserves settings Other services / features disabled SAC to enable services / features Windows Server 2003 SQL Server 2000 SQL Server 2005
“An Endpoint is a point of entry into SQL Server” Shared Memory Named Pipes TCP Virtual Interface Adapter HTTP (Windows 2003 Only) HTTP Transport is not created by default HTTP Endpoints support 4 authentication types for web methods Anonymous access is not allowed Communications can be secured with SSL
Single shared key Very fast Not for module signing Symmetric Individual keys Slower than symmetric Used for module signing Asymmetric Includes Certificate Authority Validates encryption keys Used for module signing Certificate
Login and DDL Triggers Eventdata Function Login triggers fire after login DDL triggers fire on alteration Server or database level Logging and auditing Login and DDL Triggers What fired a trigger Type, SPID, User, Time, Code Returns XML data Eventdata Function
Re-think content ownership and permissions Understand changes in SharePoint data access Inventory applications using a database Secure connectivity to servers Virtual machines need the same attention
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