Chapter 10 Muslim Civilization 622 - 1629
10.1 The Rise of Islam - Objectives - Understand how Muhammad became the prophet of Islam. Describe the teachings of Islam. Explain how Islam helped shape the way of life of its believers.
Terms, People, and Places 10.1 Bedouins Muhammad Mecca Yathrib Hijra Medina Kaaba Quran Mosque Hajj Jihad Sharia
10.1 Lecture Muhammad Becomes a Prophet Teachings of Islam Islam: A Way of Life
Formative Assessment 10.1 (Bridge Page) Web Code= [nad]-[1010] World History Home Page 2009 (red book) Survey (red book) Chapter 10 Assessments Section 1 Progress Monitoring (1-10)
10.2 Building a Muslim Empire - Objectives - Explain how Muslims were able to conquer many lands. Identify the divisions that emerged within Islam. Describe the rise of the Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties Explain why the Abbasid empire declined.
Terms, People, and Places 10.2 Abu Bakr Caliph Sunni Shite Sufis Umayyads Abbasids Baghdad Minaret Sultan
10.2 Lecture Early Challenges to Islam Divisions Emerge Within Islam Umayyad Caliphs Build and Empire Rise of the Abbasids The Muslim Empire Declines
10.2 Formative Assessment (Bridge Page) Web Code= [nad]-[1010] World History Home Page 2009 (red book) Survey (red book) Chapter 10 Assessments Section 2 Progress Monitoring (1-10)
10.3 Muslim Civilization’s Golden Age - Objectives - Describe the role of trade in Muslim civilization. Identify the traditions that influenced Muslim art, architecture, and literature. Explain the advances Muslims made in centers of learning.
Terms, People, and Places 10.3 Social Mobility Firdawsi Omar Khayyam Calligraphy Ibn Rushd Ibn Khaldn Al – Khwarizmi Muhammad al-Razi Ibn Sina
Lecture 10.3 Social and Economic Advances Muslim Art, Literature, and Architecture Muslims Seek Knowledge
10.3 Formative Assessment (Bridge Page) Web Code= [nad-]-[1010] World History Home Page 2009 (red book) Survey (red book) Chapter 10 Assessments Section 3 Progress Monitoring (1-10)
10.4 India’s Muslim Empires - Objectives - Describe the impact the Delhi sultanate had on India. Explain why Muslim and Hindu traditions clashed and how they blended. Summarize the policies of Akbar that strengthened Mughal India.
Terms, People, and Places 10.4 Sultan Delhi Rajah Sikhism Babur Mughal Akbar Nur Jahan Shan Jahan Taj Mahal
Lecture 10.4 The Delhi Sultanate Muslims and Hindus Clash Mughal India
Formative Assessment 10.4 (Bridge Page) Web Code= [nad]-[1010] World History Home Page 2009 (red book) Survey (red book) Chapter 10 Assessments Section 4 Progress Monitoring (1-10)
10.5 The Ottoman and Safavid Empire - Objectives - Analyze how the Ottoman empire expanded. Describe the characteristics of Ottoman culture. Explain how Abbas the Great strengthned the Safavid empire.
Terms, People, and Places 10.5 Ottomans Istanbul Suleiman Janizary Safavid Shah Shah Abbas Isfahan Qajars Tehran
Lecture 10.5 The Ottoman Empire Expands Ottoman Culture The Safavid Empire
Formative Assessment 10.5 (Bridge Page) Web Code= [nad]-[1010] World History Home Page 2009 (red book) Survey (red book) Chapter 10 Assessments Section 5 Progress Monitoring (1-10)
Summative Assessment Chapter 10 (Bridge Page) Web Code= [nad-[1010] World History Home Page 2009 (red book) Survey (red book) Chapter 10 Assessments Chapter Progress Monitoring (1- 20)