Long Range Plan for Cathey Public Library Carena Cathey Long Range Plan for Cathey Public Library
Cathey Public Library Located in Ford, TN. Library was built in 2010 Serves the entire town of Ford. Focus is not on teaching, but does allow ways to facilitate learning. Population is 113,587. 52% is white, 29% is African American, 17% is Hispanic, and the final 2% is other.
Ford, TN Demographics 52% is white, 29% is African American, 17% is Hispanic, and the final 2% is other.
Ford Demographics Cont’d 41.2% are economically disadvantaged. 27% do not have a computer access in their home. 13% do not have internet access in their home. 21% have disabilities.
Description of library The library is 20,000 sq. ft. The children’s section takes up ¼ of the area. It holds a meeting room with a conference table with chairs and a projector. This area comfortably seats ten. Thirty computers are in the main part of the library, with ten more in children’s section. The library provides access to books, Wi-Fi, periodicals, a copier and printer, and DVDs and VHSs.
Library Staff There is one full-time librarian who runs the library. One full-time clerk, and one part-time clerk; both of whom speak Spanish fluently. Four volunteers help with reshelving of materials. One volunteer specializes in educating the unemployed on how to get a job.
Library Mission Statement The mission of Cathey Public Library is to help patrons reach their full potential, and to inspire a love of reading across the town.
Library Book Collection The library has a collection of 53,200 books. The average age of the books is 1994. Baker & Taylor is the main vendor from which the library orders books. The nonfiction in the adult sections is the largest section of books. It takes up 36% of the collection.
Collection 19,152 Nonfiction books 17,486 Fiction books 8,583 Juvenile and Picture books 6,224 YA novels 356 Reference books (both Adult and Children's) 806 Audio Books 258 DVDs and 175 VHSs 170 Musical CDs 90 Periodical and Magazine Subscriptions
Collection Graph
Collection Goal: Develop a collection that can help the community grow Objective Timeline Evaluation Weed outdated and/or damaged books. 1-5 years Ongoing Look at how bad of condition the books are in. Feed updated material. Add books that will appeal to those who do not enjoy reading. Weed Reference. 4-5 years Search through vendors and selection aids for books that will be most beneficial. Cultivate an e-book collection. Weed Periodicals and Magazines 2-3 years Search vendors and selection aids. Also take out irrelevant materials
Staff Goal: Employ staff that is courteous and knowledgeable enough to help patrons. Objective Timeline Evaluation Promote the full-time clerk to full-time librarian. Promote part-time clerk to full-time clerk. Year 1-2 Notice how the full-time clerk has earned his MLIS degree, and see how well he does with new responsibilities. Employ a children’s librarian Year 3 See how much the children enjoy the new librarian. See if she fulfills her job adequately. Promote the job education volunteer to part-time job educator Year 5 Watch to see if he suitably teaches patrons about how to get a job.
Facility Goal: Keep the facility up-to-date and comfortable enough to convince people to visit. Objective Timeline Evaluation Redecorate children’s section. 2-3 years Watch to see if children and parents come more often. Build space for a Makerspace. 1 year Pay attention to how often the equipment is used. Renovate the main part of the library to update the look. Include more comfortable seating. 4-5 years Watch how many patrons come in. Compare to before the renovation.
Technology Goal: Update technology so the community can get better access to information. Objectives Timeline Evaluation Develop a plan for what needs to put in the proposed Makerspace 1 year Take a survey of small business owners and teenagers to see what they would like most. Build the Makerspace. Get ten laptops that can be checked out to patrons. 4-5 years Watch how the Makerspace is used by patrons. Keep track of how often the laptops are checked out. Update to newer computers and printers. 2-3 years Notice how the patrons frequent the computers before and after the new computers and printers are brought in.
Programming Goal: Offer programs that will help the community and entice patrons to come to the library more. Objectives Timeline Evaluation Expand the job educating 1 year Survey the attendants of the classes 6 months after they took their class. Expand the children’s programming during the summer; such as a reading program and educational events and guests. 2-3 years Keep track of how many children participate in the programs. Also take surveys after random programs to see how the children and parents feel about them. Host a job fair 2-5 years; ongoing. Keep track of the amount of people who come to the job fair.
Bibliography Long Range Plan | Buda Library, TX - Official Website. (n.d.). Retrieved July 08, 2016, from http://www.budalibrary.org/173/Long-Range-Plan Seekonk Public Library. (2011, September 20). Retrieved July 08, 2016, from http://www.seekonkpl.org/strategic-plan/ Visit the Brentwood Library. (n.d.). Retrieved July 08, 2016, from http://www.explorebrentwood.com/visit-the-brentwood-library/ Woodridge Public Library. (n.d.). Retrieved July 08, 2016, from http://woodridgelibrary.org/index.php/about-us/long-range-plan Lewis, Andrea D. Writing a Successful Long-Range Plan for a PL. (n.d.). Retrieved July 08, 2016, from http://www.infotoday.com/mls/jul00/lewis.htm