Topic 6: Issues Press F5 to view! GCSE ICT Revision Topic 6: Issues Press F5 to view!
Security Issues Physical threats – such as theft, flooding, fire and accidental damage. To avoid issues here; keep computers locked in rooms and back up any data. Hackers – these try to get access to data without your permission. To avoid issues here; use firewalls, passwords and encrypt information travelling across networks. Phishing – this cons people into giving out personal details via email or text. To avoid issues here; use secure websites, avoid giving out details unless 100% genuine.
Security Issues Viruses – are designed to be harmful to digital devices and spread easily over networks. To avoid issues here; don’t trust attachments on emails from unknown people, install anti-virus. Bluejacking – the process of sending unwanted messages over open Bluetooth connections. To avoid issues here; keep Bluetooth switched off when not in use. Cookies – storing passwords etc. in cookies makes it easier for others to gain access to your accounts and personal information. To avoid issues here; delete cookies!
Privacy Issues You need to make sure you’re away of the various privacy issues when using ICT. These have been highlighted in the previous 5 topics and include: Hacking Spyware Identity Theft Cookies Social Networking Privacy Issues
Monitoring Movements ICT is used to monitor how we move about and how we communicate: Passports are scanned and our movements between countries are monitored. Some passports now also contain a chip with information on. Your computer’s IP address provides details about your geographical information. Mobile phone companies can track your movements and know who you have contacted by phone or text. Geographical information from GPS enabled devices can track your position. The use of credit/debit cards provides a clue to our locations too.
Health and Safety Using ICT can have positive and negative effects on your physical health and mental well-being. Positives include the fact that friendships can be built online using Social Networking sites. ICT makes it easy to keep in contact with people. Easier to access information and learn new things. Mobile phones help keep us safer. GPS helps us find locations and guide us on routes. Exercise is possible at home using games such as the Wii.
Health and Safety - Negatives ICT can contribute to obesity due to inactivity. People can always access their work even on holiday and in the evenings – they can become ill or stressed as they feel they cannot stop working. Overuse of social networking and blogging sites. Repetitive strain injuries can develop from doing the same thing over and over. Joint pain can occur when sitting for a long time. Eye strain can be an issue when looking at screens for a long time. Radio waves from mobile phones can affect health.
Digital Divide Some people do not have access to ICT – the difference between these people and those who have access to ICT is called the Digital Divide. There are reasons for this. Economic – some people cannot afford technology and access to ICT/Internet. Education – some people do not know how to use computers. Disability or illness Location – people who live in remote areas may not be able to get phone or Internet connections.
ICT & Environment (Sustainability) E-Waste – old computer equipment often ends up in land fill sites. Good practice would be to send e-waste to less developed countries. Pollution – toxic substances from e-waste can get into soil and water supplies. Electricity – all digital devices use electricity. Production of electricity often generates greenhouse gases. Finite resources – some elements of digital devices are in short supply and will run out one day.
Laws Data Protection Act – this law prevents companies sharing your data without you knowing and legally binds them to protect your information, keep it up to date and delete it responsibility when they no longer need it. Computer Misuse Act – this law covers the use of computer equipment for illegal means (hacking, fraud etc.) Digital Economy Act – stops people downloading media (music etc.) illegally. should also revise Copyright law from an earlier topic!