The Crucible: Act I (con’t) Wednesday October 26th The Crucible: Act I (con’t)
Agenda Announcements The Crucible Menu Planner The Crucible: Act I continue reading
Announcements Hurricane Makeup Days Finalized Volusia County Schools received approval from the Florida Department of Education for a waiver of three of the five hurricane make up days that are required due to school closings during Hurricanes Hermine (1 day) and Matthew (4 days). State law allows school districts to waive up to three days with state approval, if certain criteria are met. A waiver does not equal forgiveness, but rather allows the lost time to be made up by hours/minutes instead of full days (state law requires students to have a minimum of 900 hours of instructional time). For Volusia, that means five early release days will revert to regular days: November 9, 16 and 30 and December 7 and 14. For the two remaining days, one day was made up on Friday, October 21, and the final day will be made up on Monday, February 20. Basically today and next Wednesday will be the last early release days we’ll have this quarter. After Winter Break, it’s back to normal.
The Crucible Menu Planner This Menu will be the entire reading’s worth of work; both formative and summative. The Due Dates are as follows: Main Dish: Wednesday November 16th Each of the four will be completed after the reading of each Act Side Dish: Thursday, November 10th Dessert: Monday, November 21st Pay The Check: Friday November 18th All “Main Dishes” will be collected at the SAME TIME after the completion of Act IV.
The Crucible: Act I Yesterday: We learned that Reverend Parris has a reputation of making enemies. His daughter Betty is in an “inert” state. Parris caught Betty and Abigail dancing in the forest the night before. Tituba was there singing her “Barbados” songs. The town is already begun to talk witchcraft due to Betty’s mysterious illness. Abigail admits to dancing, but swears they were not conjuring spirits in the forest. Where We Left Off: Period 1: Pg. 464, Line – 166 (Abigail) Period 2: Pg.464, Line – 168 (Abigail) Period 4: Pg. 464, Line – 157 (Parris) Period 5: Pg. 464, Line – 171 (Parris) Period 6: Pg. 464, Line – 171 (Parris) Period 7: Pg. 462, Line – 96 (Parris)
Speaking Parts Today Parris Abigail Putnam Mrs. Putnam Mercy Lewis Mary Warren Proctor