I can identify function of parts Objective: I can identify function of parts of the cell Agenda: Notes over function of parts of cells 2. Test Corrections 3. Illustration of cells and parts 4. Pre-Lab
Cells & Cell Organelles 2009-2010
Cell Theory All living things are made of cells -Multicellular: made of many cells -Unicellular- made of one cell ______________________________________________________________________________ All cells come from pre-existing cells: cell divides to form 2 identical cells
Why study cells? Cells Tissues Organs Organ Systems Organism _Hierarchy: Cells are simplest part of an organism Example:
Why Study Cells Major functions of cells 1. To make energy 2. To make proteins 3. ____________________
Types of cells Eukaryote animal cells Eukaryote plant cells Prokaryote bacteria cells Types of cells - no organelles - organelles Eukaryote animal cells Eukaryote plant cells
Prokaryote Bacteria Most are unicellular Simple ______________ Lack organelles DNA in nucleoid region, without a membrane separating it from rest of cell __________________________________
What are bacteria? Single celled organisms Very small E. Coli O157:H7 can make you very sick. What are bacteria? Single celled organisms Very small Need a microscope to see Can be found on most materials and surfaces Billions on and in your body right now Streptococcus can cause strep throat. This E. coli helps you digest food. USDA NIFSI Food Safety in the Classroom© University of Tennessee, Knoxville 2006
What do they look like? Three basic shapes __________called bacilli (buh-sill-eye) Round shaped called cocci (cox-eye) Spiral shaped Some exist as single cells, others cluster together Bacilli Cocci Spiral Cluster of cocci USDA NIFSI Food Safety in the Classroom© University of Tennessee, Knoxville 2006
Bacteria are ALIVE! What does it mean to be alive? They reproduce (make more of themselves) They need to eat USDA NIFSI Food Safety in the Classroom© University of Tennessee, Knoxville 2006
How do bacteria reproduce? Grow in number not in size _______________________________ Make copies of themselves by dividing in half Human parents create a child USDA NIFSI Food Safety in the Classroom© University of Tennessee, Knoxville 2006
How do bacteria eat? Photosynthetic bacteria Some make their own food from sunlight—like plants _____________________ Share the environment around them Example: The bacteria in your stomach are now eating what you ate for breakfast Some are warriors (pathogens) They attack other living things Example: The bacteria on your face can attack skin causing infection and acne Harmless bacteria on the stomach lining E. Coli O157:H7 is a pathogen USDA NIFSI Food Safety in the Classroom© University of Tennessee, Knoxville 2006
Eukaryotes Mostly multicellular Plants, Animals, Fungi ________________________________________ chromosomes in nucleus, membrane-enclosed organelle Cell walls present in fungi and plants only More complex Membrane bound organelles present
Endoplasmic reticulum Compare and Contrast Prokaryotes Eukaryotes Cell membrane Contain DNA Ribosomes Cytoplasm Nucleus Endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus Lysosomes Vacuoles Mitochondria Cytoskeleton
They’re like mini-organs! Organelles Organelles do the work of cells each structure has a job to do keeps the cell alive; keeps you alive They’re like mini-organs! Model Animal Cell
Organelles in All Cells Cell Membrane and Ribosomes are in _______________________________
Cytoskeleton Cell membrane Endoplasmic reticulum Microtubule Microfilament Ribosomes Mitochondrion
Cytoskeleton Framework of the cell ________________________________________________________________________ They support the cell, giving it its shape and help with the movement of its organelles.
Cell membrane Function Structure: Mosaic Model phosphate “head” Cell membrane Function _________________________________________________________________ Control what enters and leaves the cell O2,CO2, food, H2O, nutrients, waste Communication Between Cells Structure: Mosaic Model double layer of fat Phospholipid Bilayer__________ _Proteins: pumps and channels__________ Carbohydrates: Chemical ID cards__ lipid “tail”
Proteins in membrane Two main types Peripheral proteins Integral proteins Proteins function Channel protein-water soluble Ion channels ___________________ Carrier proteins-bind to specific molecule Transport proteins-use energy _____________________ Adhesion proteins Receptor proteins-specific cell response activated
Flagella and Cilia Both protrude from cell membrane ________________________________________________ Are used for motility of cell
Ribosomes Function Make Proteins ________________________________________________________________ Structure some free in cytoplasm: Smooth ER some attached to ER: Rough ER The genes for rRNA have the greatest commonality among all living things. There is very little difference in the DNA sequence of the rRNA genes in a humans vs. a bacteria. Means that this function (building of a ribosome) is so integral to life that every cell does it almost exactly the same way. Change a base and this changes the structure of the RNA whch causes it to not function. Ribosomes on ER
Smooth ER vs Rough ER Smooth ER is responsible for synthesis of lipids and hormones---can also breakdown toxins and drugs and by products of cell reactions ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Nucleus control center of cell protects DNA Function control center of cell protects DNA ______________________________________________________ Structure: double membrane Contains nucleolus— RNA and Proteins
ATP Mitochondria Function Transform energy into an usable form (ATP) sugar + O2 ATP fuels the work of life Cellular Respiration Structure double membrane ATP
Centrioles ____________________________________ Paired organelles found together near the nucleus, at right angles to each other. Role in building cilia and flagella Play a role in cellular reproduction
Golgi Appartus Flattened sacs in stack of bowls Modify and package proteins and lipids Form vesicles
Lysosomes Peroxisomes Vesicles From golgi apparatus _______________________________ Break down food and foreign objects Favor acidity ________________________________________________ Can break down toxic substances Found often in liver and kidney cells
Types of cells Animal Plant bacteria Prokaryote Eukaryotes ______________ Eukaryotes ______________ Animal Plant
Eukaryotes are 1-100 times bigger Cell size comparison Bacterial cell Animal cell Eukaryotes are 1-100 times bigger than prokaryotic cells
Vacuole plant cells Function Food and WaterStorage Vacuole= plants only Vesicle- in animals—small vacuoles Structure membrane sac Vacuole plant cells
Chloroplast Photosynthesis _______________________________________________________ Double membrane
Cell Wall Made of cellulose Inflexible barrier Protect and supports cell
Cell Wall Extra structure surrounding its plasma membrane in plants, algae, fungi, and bacteria. Cellulose – Plants Chitin – Fungi Peptidoglycan - Bacteria
Organelles In Plants but not Animals Vacuole _____________ Cell Wall
Test Corrections For multiple choice For short answer Write the number Your answer and why it is wrong The right answer and why it is right For short answer Write the correct answer Rewrite your answer using information that you left out
Illustration Draw cell and parts of cell discussed in class Label function of each part Try to draw phospholipid bilayer