Executing Broadcast of Live Report Teknik Produksi dan Penyiaran Program Radio Kelompok Teknologi Informasi dan komunikasi Penyusun : Ahadiat,S.ST Dadang Abdurrakhman,S.Pd Drs.Liliek Julianto Taufan Adhiwiranto, S.sos Agus Nuryaman
Executing Broadcast of Live Report Presenting Broadcast reportase
You need time to practice what you’re going to Preparing Live Report Practice You need time to practice what you’re going to
Extending Knowledge : We, broadcaster, shall be non-stoped to follow news aktual, inclusive of local event-event news and, national, international even. Our knowledge have to remain to up to date. Hence, broadcaster [is] obliged to be diligent read, the core important newspaper.
Broadcast Supply Inspection : Before doing broadcast check direct broadcast supply equipment like Audio Mixer Mic Crew and OB Van
Requirement of Appliance Broadcast of Direct Report At Direct Broadcast, minimum equipments brought by is : implement of Transmitter of complete with its antene. Mic Mixer Audio Tape Recorder. Amplifier
Live Reportase illustration Illustrasi of live Broadcast of Independence day of RI in State Palace : Reporter report directly in front of mic. Mic connected direct at Mixer, to is then given by back sound of struggle music. Output Mixer channelled to by amplifier.
After that, channelling to tape recorder to be recorded. Channelling to transmitter to be transmitted to studio center through antene directional. After accepted in center station, distribute to by direct of transmitter center to be broadcasted widely.
Executing Broadcast of Direct Report. 2. Presenting Live Reportase
Scope Program Event of News Reporter: One who cover event, collecting news substance, and report at public.
Reportase : Process report presentation by reporter of public after through processing process, good of fact of and also data from a event.
Tips to do Reportase. Special things which must in paying attention to in presentation Reportase, for example: SPEAK to listener, don't READ OFF news for them! Read all copy before doing reportase Practice to say difficult words or the foreign words. Don't misspeak!
Reporter must have to be balmy, rileks, don't convulsively. fill of Copy or note stay in reach of hand and eye. Take breath! good copy give a break to breathe normal
Presentation reportase strength lay in by its read strength Presentation reportase strength lay in by its read strength. In consequence: If its word is factual, hence voice have to be heard informative if have news is tragic, voice reporter have to be heard by the full of sympathy. if have its news to joke, reporter input have to smile Don't scream, try to speak enough far from mike
use undertone voice Vary in speed reading Voice reporter have to heard like “ narrating” a story , non reading Variation of “ up - down” positive and strong voice, sympathetic and bland, soft and fun, as explaining something to close friend. use undertone voice Make marking in skrip to water down reading Vary in speed reading At the time of doing reportase, use underline for words in copy needing emphasis.
Priciple Presenting Reportase Reporter have to hold elementary principle of broadcast, namely ” talking with one people – non with a group of people “. He have to develop;build “ friendliness “ and “ warm feeling “ with hearer
In presenting direct report, or the air via telephone from occurence place. Generally reporter contacted or contact in advance the broadcaster which is broadcast (on irrigate) Before report of reporter aired, broadcaster in studio or Master of Ceremony give deliverer in front. Deliverer submitted/sent in a word and mention reporter to give direct report.
way of Success Present Broadcast Reportase. Learn Your Hearer Whom : Age Segmentation, education, economic, hobby etc. 2. Equalize Symbol linguage / voice, according to broadcast reportase presentation style 3. Neglectless use linguage / voice which less familiar make Your listener Master Problem
Presentation of reportase for the short news of radio ( straight news) longer mean 7 sentence ( there is or without inset / insert). Example: Foreign media specially BBC of mean only four - five sentence. Seldom (it) is true there is news which the longer needed.
6. inset of short News of mean require time of longer presentation 30 second. Foreign media generally 20 second. quality of Inset have to be nice. Is not suggested to take inset of through telephone. Nor suggested ‘cloning’ inset.
7. Presentation of reportase of radionews use active sentence, minimalizing use of passive sentence. Passive sentence is only used for the certain news, specially object wich have stronger character
8. presentation Reportase hence the positive sentence, minimalizing negative words. Why? Because negative sentence cause hearer, twice think. Example: Look for substitute word in order not to, non, do not, non etc. the Example of: cost-effective = cheap, do not go up = remain to, etc.
9. Lessen abbreviation use. 11.Rounding up big or too complicated number. For example, 2150 rounded up to become about 2100 or more than 2000. 3900 rounded up to become almost 4000 10. Avoid too much using number. Why? Because number will claim the more amount hearer mind.
12.At the (time) of reportase, finding number writing better use letter. For example 1.000.000 becoming million. But if [his/its] number still be easy to read [of] number, better yes just the number remain to be. For example number 1 , 2 until 10
Factor of influence of presentation of broadcast reportase. Deadline (become in a hurry, accurate) Durasi (short time, clarity) Easy a news obtained ( generally choose easy to, assess to have news it?)
Personal hobby (subjectif, impartial) contiguity of with source (subjectif, impartial) Competition