Lead Generation – 2017
Content How we get leads Website Traffic Chart Lead Growth Chart LinkedIn Ads Google Adwords Other Resources Website Traffic Chart Lead Growth Chart Lead Conversion Sales Conversion Marketing Nourishment/Conversion Next Steps Other Corporate Initiatives Newsletter Statistics and Takeaways
LinkedIn Ads
LinkedIn Cont. LinkedIn Ads/Sponsored Content Since Mid-March CTR - .381% Average Engagement - .437% Compared to LinkedIn average of about .4% Total Engagement – 291 Cost per Click - $5.43 Leads directly from LinkedIn – 11 Using lead gen forms Making cost per lead $4.71
Google Ads
Generating a total of 168,064 impressions Google Adwords Generating a total of 168,064 impressions Generating 1,697 clicks Traffic on to the website Cost Per Click $0.73 Leads from Google Ads – 14 $1,247.64 - $89 per lead 2 qualified leads We’ve learned that this tool is extremely useful at spreading awareness of the brand and increasing our presence on internet Leading to much more website traffic
Projected Yearly Budget For the remainder of 2017 16 weeks in at a total of $2,627.12 By December we’ll have spent ~ $5,460 Annual Yearly Budget ~ $7,280
Alexa Ranking Alexa Rank – 3,575,331 A ranking of site popularity – average daily visitors, number of page views #1 is the best rank Down from over 4 million in June Were at a steady 16 million Beating out Power2Motivate, Hinda
Leads from other sources 69 contacts created from the resources on the website since December 2016 Unpaid Generated by Organic Search Offline Sources Referrals Direct Traffic
Total Leads from Marketing
What Do We Do with Leads? Sales Leads from LinkedIn/Google will be sent to Agnes who then puts them into Hubspot Additionally, calls are sent to Agnes’ phone Leads from HMI assets on the website are automatically uploaded to Hubspot and a notification is sent to Agnes Both sets are qualified and assigned to Sales by Agnes and Lincoln
Lead Status Qualification Hubspot Property – Lead Status Hot/Hot – Entered into Sales workflow Warm/Cold – Entered into Marketing workflow Cold – Entered into separate email list Notable inbounds – Ken North – JCI, Director of channel – Proctor gamble – Pella – Nasuni – cloud company
We identified this as a good fit for HMI Inbound Lead Contact Read Several Success Stories and submitted name, title, and company We identified this as a good fit for HMI We followed up with contact via phone and from that an introductory call Today, we’ve worked through the exploration and envisioning process Pella
What Do We Do with Leads? Marketing Workflows are attached to every resource on the website Nurturing the leads Workflows Create a standard of communication with the leads Speak to them while their warm determine their interest in HMI Offer up additional information that they may be interested in A less qualified lead may not need or want immediate sales follow up. Provide the content to convince them HMI IS what they need
Workflow Examples Success Stories Generic Follow Up
Contact Downloads Success Story Contact Downloads Resource Immediately Placed into “Inbound Leads 2017” Contact sent specific email w/ content Contact Sent Generic Email Within 24 hrs Agnes Qualifies If no/limited interaction with these emails, lead placed into “Cold Inbound Lead” List Qualifies Warm/Cold Qualifies Hot Added to “Warm/Cold Inbound Leads” List Enters “Hot Inbound Leads” list and Agnes’s Workflow 5 Days Later This list will receive intermittent emails and the newsletter. Email leading to website 10 Days Later 6 months later Email leading to content If reached this point, throw back to Agnes If still no interaction after 6 months, move to “No Send Inbound Leads” List Email leading to special qualifying LP Placed into Qualified MQL list Lead fills out qualifying information
Conversion Rate of Leads to Suspects is admittedly low Lead Conversion Conversion Rate of Leads to Suspects is admittedly low Perfect a process Opportunity for potential revenue looks promising Spent a total of $2,627 Pella, JCI, P&G, and Nasuni are all leads that came in from resources on the website/ paid ads 250,000 from Pella alone vs. $2,627
Next Steps Google Ads LinkedIn Website Directory Lists Continue to grow SEO and website traffic Improve ads and create enticing content for leads to download LinkedIn Sales integration Continue to experiment with Lead Gen Forms Website Working with Sabrina to heighten user experience and ease of finding resources Experiment with Landing Pages to strive for best results Directory Lists Fixing incorrect directories Name of business Address Phone number Old Website
Goal – Increase Leads Increase root domain links and Alexa ranking Next Steps Cont. Goal – Increase Leads Increase root domain links and Alexa ranking Reaching out to association and publications Successes HARDI, ATD, Training Journal, NASP, Patch
Other Corporate Marketing Mix In Newsletter Each vertical gets a specific version of the Newsletter Corporate Emails Just for You Giveaway Workflow Emails Create emails to send out – 1-2 a month Press Releases Circle of Excellence Just For You Blog Posts Increased our production 3 new subscribers since March
Newsletter Results Compared to Q1 Q1 Incentive Insider Q2 Incentive Insider Send Date and Time Friday Feb 10, 1030am Thursday May 25, 130pm Overall Stats Total Recipients: 3,690 2,818 Successful Deliveries: 3,304-(89.5%) 2,370 – (84%) Bounces: 9.80% 13% Recipients Who Opened: 308 (9.30%) 295 (12.4%) Recipients Who Clicked: 18 (.5%) 22 (.9%) Total Clicks: 35 29 Total Unsubs: 44 19 Hard Bounced 318 396 (many didn’t exist)
Results Compared to Standard and Goals Q2 Incentive Insider Successful Deliveries: 95% considered ideal 2,370 – (84%) Bounces: 5% considered ideal 13% Recipients Who Opened: 24.7% - software solution 295 (12.4%) Total Clicks: 2.3% US mean 29 – 1% Total Unsubs: <1%- .03% HubSpot research has found that the average email list expires at a rate of 25% per year, as people change jobs and abandon their work addresses, switch email platforms, and opt-out of communications. This means that regularly “scrubbing your list” for invalid contacts, using a tool like XVerify is critical.
What’s New, Takeaways, and Next Steps New Name: HMInsider Call out to what version it is and what volume I.E. volume 3 Include a introduction paragraph to let them know what their getting and why Updated masthead Potential for smart token in the subject line, {Fist Name} your copy of the Incentive Insider is here!