Outcomes and Assessment Making Sense of ELA Outcomes and Assessment
Introduction ELA educators have redefined the instruction of ELA. At all grades, the focus has shifted from reading, writing, and the study of literary texts to an emphasis on acquiring language and literacy skills through listening, speaking, viewing, and representing, as well as reading and writing.
ELA Outcomes Example: General Outcome 1: Explore thoughts, ideas, General outcomes describe the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students are expected to demonstrate from kindergarten to grade 12. Example: General Outcome 1: Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.
General Outcomes General Outcome 1: Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences. General Outcome 2: Comprehend, and respond personally and critically to oral, print, and other media texts. General Outcome 3: Manage ideas and information General Outcome 4: Enhance the clarity and artistry of communication General Outcome 5: Celebrate and build community
ELA Outcomes Specific outcomes identify the component knowledge, skills, and attitudes that contribute to the general outcomes and that students are expected to demonstrate by the end of a grade.
Specific Outcome Example: 1.1.1 Express Ideas Consider a range of ideas, observations, opinions and emotions to create or understand texts.
Specific Outcomes General Outcome 1: Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences. SLO: 1.2.1: Consider Others’ Ideas General Outcome 2: Comprehend, and respond personally and critically to oral, print, and other media texts. SLO: 2.1.1: Prior Knowledge General Outcome 3: Manage ideas and information SLO: 3.2.1: Identify Personal and Peer Knowledge General Outcome 4: Enhance the clarity and artistry of communication SLO: 4.1.1: Generate Ideas General Outcome 5: Celebrate and build community SLO: 5.1.1: Cooperate with Others
A New Attitude With the new emphasis on acquiring language and literacy skills, students will be encouraged to master the set outcomes for each assignment or activity assigned.
Assessment How will I know if I am mastering the set learning outcomes for an assignment or activity? ELA teachers employ a rubric in order to properly assess whether a student has acquired the stated learning outcomes.
ELA Marking Rubric The ELA marking rubric is designed to allow teachers to assess whether a student has acquired the stated learning outcomes. There are three categories used in the rubric: Below Level At Level Above Level
Assessment Descriptors When a student has successfully mastered a learning outcome an At Level descriptor will be assigned. When a student demonstrates a superior understanding of a learning outcome an Above Level descriptor will be assigned.
Assessment Descriptors When a student demonstrates a limited understanding of a learning outcome a Below Level descriptor will be assigned.
At Level Rubric 3 (somewhat) 4 Understands/Appraises/Evaluates/ Analyzes/Generates/Selects/Explores or considers a variety of ideas, thoughts, or feelings for a general outcome. Possible Characteristics: Specific/Developed/Logical/Clear/Relevant
Above Level Rubric 5 Demonstrates Superior Skill in Exploring/ Understanding/Appraising/Evaluating Analyzing/Generating/Selecting or considering a variety of ideas, thoughts, or feelings for a general outcome. Possible Characteristics: Creative/Perceptive/Thorough/Precise/ Insightful
Below Level Rubric 1(very limited) 2 (limited) Demonstrates Limited Skill in Exploring/ Understanding/Appraising/Evaluating Analyzing/Generating/Selecting or considering a variety of ideas, thoughts, or feelings for a general outcome. Possible Characteristics: Weak/Superficial/Awkward/Illogical/ Generalized/Undeveloped
Possible Characteristics Definitions Sample Poster At Level Rubric Possible Characteristics Definitions 1. Specific Dictionary: Precise and detailed, avoiding vagueness. Original: To the point and clear. 2. Developed/Develop Dictionary: To evolve; to bring to maturity. Original: To change and grow with time and effort.
List of Possible Characteristics Specific Thorough Relevant Creative Awkward Undeveloped Weak Clear Developed Precise Perceptive Illogical Superficial Generalized Logical Insightful