Action Research Dr. S K Biswas
Meaning of action research Action research is one type of research which is conducted by the teachers, supervisors and school administrators themselves for dealing with classroom problems and improving classroom practices. Action research is directed towards the solution of immediate, specific and practical problems. It is performed in relation to actual problems and under the conditions in which they are found in practice.
What is action research? Taking action to improve teaching and learning. It is typically designed and conducted by practitioners who analyze data from their workplace to improve their own practice. A type of applied research in which the researcher is actively involved in the cause for which the research is conducted.
Definition of action research Stephen M. Corey: Action research is the research undertaken by practitioners so that they may improve their practice. J. W. Best: Action research is focused on the immediate application, not on the development of theory. It has placed its emphasis on a real problem - here and now in a local setting. George J Mouly: On the spot research aimed at the solution of an immediate problem is generally known in education as action research. So, action research is concerned itself with the immediate problem faced by the teachers and administrators. It helps them make judgment and engage in better practices on their respective jobs. Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that action research is the research by the practitioner, of the practitioner and for the practitioner.
Characteristics of action research Action research is focused on the immediate problems and their solutions within the available resource. It is not concerned with the building of theories, broad generalizations and principles. It aims to improve the practices or work conditions of the people who conduct such research. The person who conducts the research and applies its findings is the one and the same.
Objectives of action research To improve the practices going on in the schools. To remove the notion that educational research is the job of specialists only. To make teachers and the educational administrators research-minded. To develop in the practitioners the required confidence and ability to carry out research for solving their own problems. To make the students, teachers and the educational administrators more conscious about their problems and immediate solutions. To make the environment of the school more conducive for effective teaching and learning. Its main purpose is to create such healthy and proper conditions and environment as to facilitate better teaching as well as learning for the maximum welfare of the students.
Steps in action research Step-1: . Identify a Problem Area: Teachers often face several problems in classroom teaching-learning which they wish to investigate and solve. The investigator will first try to identify the broad problem area which he/she faces. Example: Mean and nasty behaviour of the student.
Steps in action research Step-2: .Framing Research Question: The hardest part of designing an action research study is framing a good question. it is important to limit the question to one that is meaningful. Avoid questions that can be answered with “yes” or “no.” Avoid questions to which you already know the answer . So what makes for a good question? We have found that good questions are free of educational jargon. They use simple everyday words that make the point clear to all. One of the first activities you can do is make a list of questions and topics that you have about your classroom or your teaching or both. You can always reframe a statement as a question. Choose one question on which you can spend some time. Ask yourself why this question is interesting to you, how you might go about answering it, and what might be the benefit of answering it. If, after this conversation with yourself, you are still interested in the question, do a reality check by trying it out on a colleague.
Contd. Developing your question * Write a first draft (“Why are some kids in my class so mean and nasty to each other?”) * Share it with a colleague Grow it a little—make it researchable (“How can I help the kids in my class develop a respectful classroom community?”) X Step-3: Listing the probable causes: The teacher educator will be observed their behaviour and discussed with the teacher, headmaster of that school for finding out the relevant causes. The teacher educator listing the causes in the following way-
Steps in action research Step-4: Analysis of the probable causes and Formulate the action hypothesis: After observing their behaviour and analysis of the probable causes the investigator will formulate the hypotheses- Hypothesis 1: Hypothesis 2: Hypothesis 3:
Steps in action research Step-5: Action programme: For the above-formulated hypothesis, the action programme may run as shown in the bellow- Programme for hypothesis 1: …………….. Programme for hypothesis 2: ………………..
Steps in action research Step – 6: Evaluation of the action programme: On the basis of the action programme an attempts will be made to know about the behaviour demonstration by the students in the class. Step-7: Follow-up and communicating the finding to others: In the light of the evaluation of the action programme, the results and conclusion drawn will be utilized by the teacher educator for bringing desirable modification in the behaviour of his students. Being satisfied with the results of his action research, he will try to communicate his findings to the fellow teachers serving in his own or other training colleges.
A Format for Reporting Action Research Title of Action Research Project: Name of Teacher Researcher: Enrollment No. of Teacher Researcher: Name of School (With address): Abstract: Provide a brief summary of your action research report. Topics may include student sample, data collection tools, data collection, data analysis, action taken and results.
A Format for Reporting Action Research Classroom Problem: Provide a description of your identified classroom problem. How did you identify the classroom problem? Describe the students who were affected and possible causes of the problem. What were the goals for improvement? Research Process: Provide a detailed description of your research process. What was your research question? Describe your data collection and data analysis procedure. What instructional strategies or practices were implemented that were associated to the classroom problem? Describe your implementation.
A Format for Reporting Action Research Data Collection and Analysis: Provide a narrative summary of your collected and analyzed data. If appropriate, include graphs and tables to accompany the narrative summary. Include templates of your data collection sources as well as student samples. Taking Action: Provide a summary of your decisions based on your analyzed data. What are your next steps? Do you need to continue your action research using the same procedures? Do you need to revise your action research procedures? Were you satisfied with your results and ready to investigate new concerns?
A Format for Reporting Action Research Professional Reflection: As an action researcher, what did you learn through this process? How did conducting action research impact your teaching.