An assembly about safe behaviour near roads. Road Safety An assembly about safe behaviour near roads.
------------------ LO to know how to walk near and cross the road safely. ------------------
Click on the film reel to watch this video – What did the boy do Click on the film reel to watch this video – What did the boy do? What has happened to him?
Around 1980 children are killed in road accidents each year. Can you picture that number of children? How many people can fit in your school hall? Photo courtesy of ( - granted under creative commons licence - attribution
Walking Safely Near School Did you have to cross any roads to get into school today? How did you do it?
The Green Cross Code Find a safe place to cross. Stop just before you get to the kerb. Look all around for traffic and listen. If traffic is coming, let it pass. When it is safe, go straight across the road - do not run.
Be Bright, Stay Safe! Always wear light or bright-coloured clothing, even in the daytime. Help the car drivers to spot you!
Be Safe on the Road! Use a crossing if there is one. Dress brightly. Follow the Green Cross Code.