Examples, Describe, Explain Strategy How it works Examples, Describe, Explain How effective Evaluate Education programmes Run by local villagers Songs, plays and dances Encouraging people to use covers and bed nets Simple and cheap Can engage everyone, even children Builds trust and community spirit Must follow all advice to keep safe Village planning Keep villages and people at least away from breeding grounds The further away the less likely people are to be bitten Helpful but difficult to prevent all bites Mosquito has a range of 1-3 miles Breeding grounds are common/ and small sites reducing effectiveness Insecticides DDT or Malathion Spray pond, walls, trees to kill the mosquito Kills the larvae too DDT is now banned Environmental damage Mosquitoes become immune to insecticides Reapplication of spray is expensive Malathion stains a yellow colour Fish Loach fish/ Guppies Eat the larvae before they hatch Stops mosquitoes hatching Fish can be eaten as a source of protein Only effective in larger areas of water (not puddles etc) Spray stagnant water Egg whites, Oil Makes stagnant water sticky Suffocates larvae before they hatch Wastes a valuable source of protein Oil damages the environment BTI coconuts Bacteria implanted in coconuts Coconuts chopped and thrown in water Explodes the stomach of larvae Stays in water for 45 days Only kills larvae that eat coconut
Drugs Chloroquine, Larium, Malarone Medicine that prevents the parasite from multiplying in blood stream Full course must be taken Expensive for developing countries to afford Malarone £100 per month Side effects common – hallucinations (Larium) Some brands not suitable for pregnant women Genetic Engineering Introduces a large pool of sterile males Will reduce female breeding and hatching of eggs Will take a long time for breeding to slow Genetic research is too expensive to be effective Drain breeding grounds Drain swamps and paddy fields where mosquitoes breed Helps reduced the risk because mosquitoes cannot breed Malaria common in tropical areas with high rainfall Impossible to remove every single breeding ground Dams Water trapped behind dams can be released This destroys breading grounds Building a dam is expensive Flushing needs to happen weekly to given the short life cycle of eggs and larvae Nets Treated nets placed over beds to stop mosquitoes biting Can kill the mosquito if insecticide is still potent Only effective at night time £5 still to much for some to afford Need to be retreated every 30 days to be fully effective in killing mosquito Vaccine Stops the parasite/plasmodium from multiplying in the blood stream Reduces symptoms of malaria Prevents ill health Builds an immunity to the virus Still at development stage 2018 will be trial by WHO for Kenya, Ghana and Malawi Development and research is very expensive