Generate, An Automated federal Reporting Tool March 1, 2017
Agenda What is CIID Generate Infographic Nevada Generate Pilot and Data Integration TA Supports Benefits for Nevada Questions/Discussions
What is CIID? The Center for the Integration of IDEA Data is a technical assistance data center funded by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) MISSION Help states integrate IDEA Part B Sections 616 and 618 data with their statewide longitudinal data system (SLDS) SUPPORTS Develop resources and provide direct support to states to improve their data integration efforts
What is CIID? Provides technical assistance to SEAs around IDEA data system integration and data management Focuses on SEA capacity to report IDEA Part B Sections 616 and 618 data Coordinates with SEA staff to create efficiencies Coordinates and collaborates with other OSEP data centers These four bullets summarize the effort and scope of CIID as an IDEA data center. We will work with SEAs on their systems architecture to address siloed and fragmented systems The 616 indicators that we will help with include: Systems that are fragments and siloed are not efficient and create data management challenges and system vulnerabilities
CIID Creates Connections People Processes Systems CIID staff bring expertise in each of these areas Focus on connecting different, sometimes siloed offices, data collections, and reporting processes Create efficiency for SEAs in reporting Connecting data across programs Identifying barriers to collection and reporting Supporting integration, including DBA expertise
Infographic Step 1
Infographic Step 2
Infographic Step 3
Infographic Step 4
Infographic Step A 5
Infographic Step B 5
Infographic Step C 5
Benefits of Generate Automates and simplifies IDEA data reporting Provides more consistency across states for IDEA data reporting Supports timely and efficient IDEA data reporting by IDEA Data Managers and EDFacts Coordinators Uses SLDS data to report IDEA related EDFacts and relevant APR Indicators
Nevada Generate Pilot A ∑ B B A ∑ B Organizes data
TA Supports from CIID Building tables for SLDS to integrate data LEA Data Stewardship Training Metadata mapping in the CEDS Align Tool ETL from source system(s) into Generate Pilot implementation of Generate
Benefits for Nevada Jump start to other work we are doing. Future work - vision where we want to go. Vision for Generate Tools and products - other things, aligning with CEDS Future Work CEDs Compliant reporting server EDFacts reporting for all files State Report Cart State Accountability Data Public Reporting -
Questions? Discussion
Contact Information Bill Huennekens: Director, Center for the Integration of IDEA Data
Thank You