Change Package Your Team Name: Scottdale Child Development and Family Resource Center Topic Area: Family Engagement Name of the Intervention: Parent incentive program - “Parent Bucks” Primary Driver: Retention/HV Completion
Definition of the Intervention Our aim is to increase the number of mothers that keep their scheduled home visits AND attend group connection meetings by implementing a parent incentive program called “Parent Bucks”.
Description of the Intervention Parent Educator distributes “Parent Bucks” at each home visit; the bucks are used to purchase household items, developmental toys, and gift baskets at the “Parent Store” that is open during group connection meetings. $5 in Bucks given at each home visit $2 additional Bucks earned by completing a homework assignment given from the prior home visiting session Maximum earnings per month is $14 Parent Bucks Stock Parent Store stocked items from the local dollar store Estimated total cost of parent store is $200
How is the intervention carried out? Decide how many bucks will be given out at each home visit Determine how many additional bucks can be earned and what actions earn additional bucks Shop for items to sell in the parent store (or find donations). Get a variety of items – household, developmental toys, stuff for moms, etc. Decide how often Parent Store will be open for families to redeem their bucks Give out bucks to parents and encourage/remind them about the Parent Store at Group Connection Meetings Open store and let parents shop!
Evidence that the intervention is effective Parent Bucks were initially distribute to 10-11 families. The families appeared to enjoy and accepted the new program well. If the Parent Educator forgot to give the Bucks, the family would remind the Parent Educator. The Parent Educator also enjoyed giving out the Bucks. The parents demonstrated more interest in attending the next Group Connection meeting because they would be given the opportunity to shop in the Parent Store and enjoyed shopping in the Parent Store. Families were able to purchase individual items. For example, one mother used her Bucks to purchase glasses and bowls which she needed for her new apartment. The percentage of expected in-person contacts completed increased in the two months following the initiation of the intervention.
Pre-requisites for the intervention Store Materials – either donations or purchases to stock the store Parent Bucks – design and print out the Bucks Rules for when/how much a family gets for completing visits, etc. Location to have store during Group Connections
Advice Barriers / Challenges Key advice to overcome barriers Items to Include Get an assortment of items, especially items to pamper the mothers. Lotions, household items, etc. were more popular than toys. Burden of Cost Get donations! Burden of Time Shopping Rotate person in charge of shopping for items / setting up store.
References/ Inspiration (if applicable) Our staff heard someone else mention the idea in a previous Georgia Home Visiting Institute and we shamelessly stole the idea.