Welcome to my presentation
What is eve-teasing? Sexual harassment. Street harassment. Molestation of women by men. Aggressive behavior by men.
Causes of eve-teasing Leave deep psychological scars. Mentally weak. Disappointed. Don’t get any family support. Suicide attempt. Ultimately they occur suicide .
Statistics In the past two years, at least 12 girls have committed suicide in circumstances stemming from “eve teasing”. Between 2002 and 2009, there were over five thousand rape reported incidents. Almost two thousand of those rapes were of girl children. 625 of the victims were killed after they were raped and 69 killed themselves.
How to make the social awareness !! A massive sustained campaign by women’s organizations highlighting this evil must be initiated. Students in colleges must specifically be counseled. Debates on this issue must be organized in colleges, TV shows, etc., with responsible moderators — who would listen and reason an argument instead of sounding outright biased. Cinema is a powerful medium to showcase this issue.
Role of Parents in Stopping Eve Teasing Parents should make girl child comfortable enough that she can share anything with them. If a girl has been harassed or been subject to molestation, the first place she would expect to be understood is her parents. Parents should pay close attention to their teenage son, his activities and his friend circle.
For the girls………… Avoid seductive dresses…..!!
For the boys…..just remember….
Any questions ??