SBA Unit 3 American English 英语教学课件 SBA Unit 3 American English 柳州市女子实验高中 黄永祥
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speak English(American English). 美 国 地 图 MAP OF U.S.A The National Flag of USA 美国国旗 The World Trade Center 世贸中心被撞击 The people in the USA(Americans) speak English(American English).
Unit 3 American English Lesson 10 and 11
Teaching Aims: 1. To get the general idea of the text. 2. To get some details of the text . 3. To understand that languages are changing.
There are some differences between American English and British English.
Read the whole passage quickly to 1. Find out the American English words and expressions . 2. Do the True or False exercises.
American English words and expressions color center traveled I guess fall movie gas radio store mail right away way of life
F T F True or False Exercise: . 1. British written English is quite different from American English . ( ) 2.The differences in spoken English are greater than those in written English.( ) 3.People from Britain and USA can not understand each other easily. ( ) . F T F
T T T 3.The English language is always changing.( ) 4.Many words from other languages have come into the English language.( ) 5.The American English is always changing too.( ) T T T
Read the passage carefully again to Answer the following questions .
Both the people from Britain and America speak English. 1.Do you think that people from Britain and American can understand each other? Why do you think so? Both the people from Britain and America speak English. Yes. 2.Is there any difference in written English in the two countries? Yes.There is spelling difference.
3.Can you give some examples to show spelling differences between American and British English? BE AE favour favor labour labor metre meter theatre theater AE BE vacation holiday fall autumn check cheque BE AE colour color centre center travelled traveled
AE BE 4.What differences are there in spoken English? dance [dæns] [da:ns] not [nat] [not] fast [fæst] [fa:st] clerk [clэ:k] [kla:k] class [ cl æs] [kla:s]
British English American English 5.Where did the word “fall” first come from? 6.Where did the expression”way of life”come from? British English American English
7.How did the differences between American English and Britain English come about? America English Britain English Differences Differences Changed Changed
8.In which countries is English used as the official language? 9.Which do you prefer?American English or British English?Why? Britain, USA,Australia , Canada ,India , Singapore, and so on. I prefer American English.Because the USA is more powerful ,American English is more useful than British English.
10.Why has American English changed? Old French Indian cent howl American English cookbook Florida German Spanish
The General Ideas The differences between AE and BE. The whole passage: Part 1(Paragraph 1): Part 2(Paragraph 2): Part 3(Paragraph 3---5): Part 4 (Text in Lesson 11): The differences between AE and BE. Spelling differences between AE and BE. Speaking differences between AE and BE. The reasons of the differences between AE and BE. The changing of American English.
Exercise 2.Complete the form COUNTRY PEOPLE LANGUAGE CAPITALCITY China London USA Canberra(堪培拉) Japanese France Russians Ottawa Beijing Chinese Chinese Britain Englishmen English Americans English Washington D.C Australia Australians English Japan Japanese Tokyo French Frenchmen Paris Russian Russia Moscow Canada Canadians English/French
在下列单词后的括号里写AE或BE AE BE AE AE BE BE BE BE AE BE BE AE AE BE AE AE BE BE 1.color ( ) 2.travelled.( ) ) ( ) 5. center ( ) 6.autumn ( ) 7.favourite ( ) 8.metre ( ) 9.meter( ) 10.cheque ( ) 11.traveled( ) ) ( ) 14.fall ( ) 15.petrol( ) ( ) 17. mail ( ) 18.gas ( ) 19.centre ( ) 20.I think( ) 21.I guess ( ) AE BE AE AE BE BE BE BE AE AE BE BE AE AE BE AE AE BE BE BE AE
Homework Assignment 1.Read the whole passage and find out the important expressions after class. 2.Do Exercise 3 on page 68
Thank you and Good bye!