一 Standards for Civics SS.7.C.1.1 Today’s Standard Every day, I will put a Florida Next Generation Sunshine State Standards benchmark code on the board along with what that benchmark code means. You will have to think back to when we covered that benchmark in class and write down some things we learned in class about the concept. Find the right page and use the underlined hints to write one definition or example from this concept. Write as many as you can, but one is the bare minimum. I will always ask if anyone wants to share what they wrote. This notebook is a major grade in the fourth nine weeks. I will keep it here in class. After they are graded, I will send them home with you as a study aid for your end-of-course exam. Please bring in a notebook (spiral or bound) before Thursday. If you can, bring more than one to help others in class. What if you can’t remember? Check your notes or ask someone nearby.