EEI Instructional Model Zhiwei Shepard EDC-257 M3A2
Madeline Hunter’s EEI Researcher Madeline Hunter developed a template for the Essential Elements of Instruction (EEI)
Anticipatory Set Helps to activate the prior knowledge a student has to increase understanding A brief story Examples Role Play Brainstorm Imagination
Standard/Objectives The lesson has a goal of learning, a learning objective The two parts Learning: What the students will learn Behavior: How the students will learn
Purpose The reason why the lesson is needed or given The student and the teacher can give purpose for the lesson Could be relevant in life or of interest to the student
Active Participation Active Participation is when students are part of the learning process Instead of watching the teacher count on the board, the student counts with themselves or other student Not passive
Teaching Input When the teacher gives the lesson in any format it must be something the students pay attention Audio and visual display, give lecture, or be creative and try something unusual to grab the attention
Modeling The teacher can show the students examples of how the work or project is done When the teacher models the student can gain confidence on how to proceed The end product can show the goal
Check for Understanding How can you know if the student understand? Questions and assesment to check the student progress or level of understanding Making sure that the student is learning the material that is the objective of the lesson
Closure The end product of the lesson should be something the student can be part of or contribute that demonstrates the objective of the lesson The age and level of the student informs the best choices for closure It can be a quiz but it doesn’t have to be, instead it can be a song or a painting
Independent Practice When the student is in the class, the practice is guided by the teacher and sometimes other students Independent practice can assess if the student has learned and understood the lesson Can be homework or project, but also interview or discussion by the teacher
Effective is Essential When the lesson plan is properly constructed it makes the process of teaching and learning much more efficient and effective Using EEI is a great template for effective instruction
References Burden & Byrd (2015). Methods for Effective Teaching. Pennsbury School District, PA: Best Practices of EEI Lesson Design Queens University: Madeline Hunter's Lesson Plan Format