Name : School : Address : Contact Person:
Kompetensi Bahasa Strategic Strategic Discourse Competence Actional Linguistic Sosio Cultural
Culture Situation Field Tenor Mode Register TEXT
Greeting new people or recognized people Expressions ( VII ) Greeting new people or recognized people Introducing oneself or someone else Expressing command and prohibition Asking for and giving information Expressing gratitude Expressing forgiveness Expressing politeness Expressing like and dislike Asking for clarification Responding interpersonally
Expressions ( VIII ) Asking for Help Giving Things Admitting fact Giving opinion Inviting Someone Offering things Agreement and Disagreement Admiring someone Congratulating someone Responding someone’s statement Giving attention to speaker Start, prolong, end conversation Start and end phone conversation
Expression uncertainty Asking for repetition Expressions ( IX ) Expressing certainty Expression uncertainty Asking for repetition Expressing of showing attention Expressing of admiring Expression of giving attracting news Expressing of giving commands toward news
Pemetakan Materi NO MATERI 1 Caution 2 Greeting Card (Happy, Congratulation, Sympathy) 3 Invitation ( formal / non formal) (Meeting, Birthday, Wedding) 4 Short Message (SMS, memo) 5 Announcement 6 Advertisement Vacancy Promotion/Brochure 7 Personal Letter 8 Label Food / Beverage Medicine Cloth 9 Shopping List 10 List of things (at home, at school) 11 Identity Card
NO MATERI 1 Description Person Animal/Plant Thing Place 2 Report Animal 3 Recount Past Experience (Event) Past Experience (Accident) Biography 4 Narrative Fabel Legend, folklorel 5 Procedure Food Beverage Manual
Chapter Format Title Learning objectives Stage 1 (dig up what you know) Stage 2 (Take a look) Stage 3 (Discuss it) Stage 4 (Do it yourself) Reflection Formative Test
Struktur Pelajaran Pendahuluan Kemukakan apa yang dipelajari dan relevansinya dalam kehidupan kita Kemukakan kompetensi yang akan dicapai Cek Kemampuan awal yang diperlukan
Penyajian Isi KBM menanamkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan baru dengan berbagai metode Rangkuman Latihan Tindak Lanjut
Kontekstual Dalam latar atau situasi aslinya, bukan hanya secara teoritis Otentik Disertai data atau angka-angka yang akurat
NO TEXT TOPIC CLASS/SMT 1 Description Person 72 2 Thing 3 Procedure Food 4 Beverage 5 Animal 81 6 Place 7 Recount Holiday 8 Event 82 9 Biography 10 Narrative Fable 11 Legend 12 Report 91 13 14 Manual 15 Science and Technology 92 16 Folklore 17 Paragraph Rumpang 18 Kata-kata acak 19 Kalimat Acak
NO TEXT TOPIC CLASS/SMT 1 Identity Card 71 2 Shopping list 3 List of thing at home 4 at school 5 Caution notice sign 6 Greeting Card Happy 7 Congratulation 8 Short Message SMS 72 9 Label Food / Beverage 10 Sympathy 81 11 Invitation Formal 12 Memo 13 Announcement 82 14 Medicine 15 Non Formal 91 16 Advertisement Vacancy 17 Brochure 18 Personal Letter 92 19 Cloth