Find It - Lesson 3
Find It- Lesson 3 Objective: Understand how to use symbols, words and Boolean logic to improve search techniques
What does Boolean mean? Boolean mathematics is named after George Boole, a 19th century English mathematician. He developed "Boolean Logic” by using algebraic concepts to include certain words and phrases and exclude others when searching databases.
AND OR NOT + - What does Boolean mean? Boolean operators are the terms that you can use to widen, define, or limit your search AND OR NOT + -
Using Boolean Operators Together When you use parenthesis with Boolean operators, the search engine will search the terms in the parenthesis first. Tips: You can't begin a search with the NOT operator. You must use another search term first Try using a metasearch engine that will search several search engines at the same time.
Using Wildcard Symbols You can substitute a character for any word or letter in a search phrase. This is known as a "wildcard.” Wildcard symbols can expand the scope of your search. The most common Wildcard symbol is the asterisk (*).
Quotation with Phrases Quotation Marks are a way of telling the search engine to look for an exact phrase. “heart disease” AND cause + “heart disease” + cause
Inurl syntax lets you search within a URL. Searching Within a URL Inurl syntax lets you search within a URL. inurl:space race
Using Proximity Operators Proximity operators enable you to look for words that are close to each other. NEAR FBY Using the NEAR operator returns words that appear near each other in no particular order. If you wish to retrieve pages in which one term is followed by another, separate the terms with the operator FBY, which stands for ''followed by''.
Find It- Lesson 3 Summary: Understand how to use symbols, words and Boolean logic to improve search techniques