Обобщающие лексические и грамматические задания по теме «FOOD» Григорьева Инна Алексеевна учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ № 124 Выборгского района
Turtle Tortilla promises Buratino to give him and Malvina a gold key if they do several tasks. Help them to get the key!
Colour according to the numbers The table of contents Pass a labyrinth Find missing letters Colour according to the numbers Riddles Much or many? Find 7 differences
Find 7 differences
1 V E G E T A B L E 2 P O R R I D G E 3 H U N G R Y 4 F R U I T 5 M E Find missing letters 1 V E G E T A B L E 2 P O R R I D G E 3 H U N G R Y 4 F R U I T 5 M E A T
Pass the labyrinth
Solve the riddle Monkeys eat me, kids do too. Gorillas love me, how about you? It’s fun to tug my yellow peel, my creamy insides to reveal.
Solve the riddle I can be red and yellow. I also can be green. I may be the home of a hungry worm, so make sure I am clean.
Colour fruits according to the numbers and name them
Much or Many ? orange milk bananas apple lemon water a glass of milk a slice of cheese hamburger cheese
You’ve done a good job. Thank you for your help You’ve done a good job! Thank you for your help! Now you can take the key.