By Manu, Reme and Rozio (1º Bach E) West Indian By Manu, Reme and Rozio (1º Bach E) IES Mariana Pineda
General facts Area´s 3.29 million square km The population: 1.12 billion Capital of India: New Delhi The languages: Hindi, English, and 16 other official languages.
Economy: Government : -Five branches : -Executive president -Principal natural resources: iron, manganese, titanium. -Exports $ 127 billion of enginering goods, petroleum. -Imports $ 192 billion of petroleum, machinery & transport equipment Government : -Five branches : -Executive president -Prime minister -Council of ministers -Legislative -Judicial
Climate Two seasons : - Dry seasons: November to April - Wet seasons: May to October
CASTES : BRAHMAN: priests religious teachers and judges (the richest) -KSHATRIYAS: warrior and politician class. -SHUDRAS: common laborers. -VAISYAS: Merchant class and land owing farmers -THE “UNTOUCHABLES”: 160 – 180 million in India (the poorest)
RELIGION: HINDUISM, 83% Complex polytheistic religion
Gods : -Shiva: destroyer of ignorance -Brahma: a supreme creador -Ganesh: lord of success -Vishnu: the protector -Lokshimi: goddess of prosperity
Culture India has a patriarcal society Male dominant Big Families are important The marriages are still arranged
Culture - FOOD: The food in India is very varied because there are many different cultures. Curry, tamarind, coriander, chicken, paneer, tikka, samosa. - CURRENCY: The currency of India is rupee $1.00 is 45 rupees
¤Sari: The colour diferentiates, age, - CLOTHING: ¤Sari: The colour diferentiates, age, caste, office, religion and woman ¤Salwar Kamiz:These clothes has two parts ¤kurta pajama: it is a traditional suit of fine fabric, specially for men.
-KAMA SUTRA: The Kamasutra explains social and sexual behaviour of men and women. His author is Vastyayana. It has 36 chapters with 7 different subjects. - TECHNOLOGY: Bangalore in southern India is the new software center of the world. Some technological companies of India are: Philips, MotorOLA,IBM, Intel, Dell...