Wiki Workshop for UHL 2332 Academic Report Writing
Definition Wiki is computer (server) software/an authoring tool which allows users to create a fully editable website containing hyper-linked pages. Visitors to the website can easily read, edit or remove content, structure or design of the website, often without the need for registration. This encourages public dissemination and creation of knowledge online. Wiki is a conducive authoring environment for collaborative work and data storage.
Advantages of Wiki Many free, available Wiki software Simple installation of Wiki software Publishing ideas on the Net is so easy Conducive environment for collaborative work Ease of public access to information “Freedom of speech” Empowering Growth Users define how their processes and groups will develop
Disadvantages of Wiki “SoftSecurity” Information may lack authenticity and accuracy Open to online vandalism Lacks authority and credibility Explosion of plagiarism Lack of hierarchical organization and directed organization
Wiki for Writing First - open two windows/tabs Second – on one window/tab, go to your email account provider/the email you will be using for wiki notification, etc Third – on another window/tab, go to You will get the following page
Fill in to set up your Wiki site
Email account you are using Fill in the info here before confirming your email Either go to your email account straight or fill in the create new wiki below. I suggest you go to email account first
Click on the link to confirm account
You will get this page if you created your account earlier but you need to confirm registration sent to your email so that you can have full access to your space
You will get this page if you did not create your account earlier but you Need to confirm your registration sent to your email so that you can have full access to your space
Account info Action bar Tabs Navigation bar
Click on New Page (on the Action bar) Type the name of the page you want to create and click on Create
Type the name of the page you want to create and click on Save
Your page has been created Try to edit your page. Click on the EDIT button New Page – click on it. It’s hyperlinked to the page
Edit Page Function Floating editing tool bar Try typing something on your page. After typing something on your page click SAVE
History Function Click on the History button. Each edit can be clearly seen. Info provided of each edit (date, time,author, deleted/inserted text
Inserted Text
Deleted Text
To see all edits to the site Click on Recent Changes button. Each edit can be clearly seen. Info provided of each edit (page, date & author)
Manage your Wiki Click on Manage Wiki button. Please explore on your own. Tips – explore look & feel, usage statistics, space usage, notifications
Notifications One thing you should explore is the Notification function – helps you keep tabs of your students’ work/revisions.
Anchor/Lecturer’s Wiki (To hyperlink your wiki to all your students’ wiki – ask your groups of students to click on Invite People (Manage Wiki) Type in the email of people you want to invite
My Account Click on My Account button. Then click on the Dashboard. All the hyperlinked wiki sites you belong to will be listed.
Your Wiki sites Click on the name of the site and you will go straight to your students’ wiki site.
REMINDER If you want to see the changes/revisions of one section of the report, you can ask students to put each section on separate pages and just edit it each time they make changes/revisions . If you want to see the changes of the whole report then have the students type the whole report on one page and just edit it each time they make changes/revisions.
Research Areas Peer/ Teacher Feedback Effect of feedback on revision Peer vs Teacher feedback Feasibility of Wiki as an authoring tool/aid in the writing classroom Wiki in developing writing skills Wiki as a CMC tool Students’ errors in writing analytical report, etc