Reproduction Sexual Reproduction Organisms produce new organisms like themselves Sexual Reproduction Two cells (gametes) involved and the two cells combine to form one cell (zygote) Two parents produce offspring that share characteristics of both parents Usually occurs in plants, animals, and most multicellular organisms
Benefits of Sexual Reproduction Produce offspring with genetic material from both parents which creates a great variety in the species More adaptations in species allow for greater adaptation to changes in the environment In species where males help raise the offspring, it is possible to produce more offspring with a greater chance of survival
Disadvantages of Sexual Reproduction Organisms reproduce more slowly and take longer to colonize Sexual population grows twice as slowly as the asexually producing one If a mate is not found, the female’s egg is wasted Parents often have to raise the offspring/offspring are not self-sufficient
Asexual Reproduction Reproduction in which a single parent produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent. It’s a clone. One cell is involved (mitosis)
Benefits of Asexual Reproduction Allow the plant to reproduce even when conditions are not right for seed germination Organisms can produce more offspring more quickly Population grows twice as fast increasing the survival rate Parent does not waste time or energy looking for a mate
Disadvantages of Asexual Reproduction *Organisms are identical so it is easy for them to get wiped out because they have the same genes. * Fewer adaptations because offspring is identical to parent
Types of Asexual Reproduction ** put picture of binary fission Binary fission- Cell divides into two cells. Example- bacteria
More asexual reproduction **Put picture of Hydra Budding -A new organisms pinches off and grows from the body of the parent organism Example- hydra **Put Picture of the starfish. Regeneration- Part of an organism breaks off and then develops into a new individual identical to the parent . Example- sea stars.
Vegetative Propagation The production of plants from parts of plants. It does not involve the formation of flowers, seeds, or fruit. The stems or roots of the plant produces a new plant
Vegetative Propagation **Put pictures of potatoes. Tuber- underground stems, or tubers, can produce new plants after a dormant season A potato is a tuber, or underground stem. The “eyes” of potatoes are buds that can grow into new plants (pg. 191). ** picture of bulbs and rhizoids in Iris. ** Bulbs in onions **add rhizoids or rhizomes in ferns
More plant pictures **Put in picture of runners in strawberries Runners- above ground stems from which new plants can grow are called runners. The strawberry plant produces runners or stems that grow horizontally along the ground. Buds along the runners take root and grow into new plants.
Plant cuttings ** put picture of cutting in geraniums Cuttings- Plant cuttings are small pieces of a mother plant that are cut off and rooted, to produce new identical plants. Identical traits of the mother plant. (Unlike growing plants from seed, where the resulting plant could have some traits of either parent plant.)
Grafting and layering ** put picture of grafting in trees Grafting- To unite (a shoot or bud) from one plant, with a growing plant by insertion or by placing in close contact. **Put picture of layering Layering- The development of roots on a stem while the stem is still attached to the parent plant.
More Asexual Reproduction Spores- form part of the life cycles of many plants, algae, fungi and protozoa. Asexual and sexual reproduction
And it continues Artificial Insemination - is the process of collecting sperm cells from a male animal and manually depositing them into the reproductive tract of a female.