Kennard Bonilla, Olivia Vozzo, Nia Starr, Lucielle Ayuk, Lauren Morris Taoism terms Kennard Bonilla, Olivia Vozzo, Nia Starr, Lucielle Ayuk, Lauren Morris
Chi/Qi Qi or Chi is the unseen energy that flows through all creation such as animals, trees, and the weather. In Taoism Qi is similar to a higher power but is only energy Qi flows through humans as well Its harmony inspires Taoists to do the same, be in harmony with the world Fig. 1 Illustration of sakura cherry blossom in spring sunrise scenery against the sun (Britannica)
Chuang tzu/ Zhuangzi A historical literary artist that came after Laozi He stated the famous dream that "I could not tell, had I been Zhuang Zi dreaming I was a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming I was now Zhuang Zi?" (In Martin Palmer and Elizabeth Breuilly, The Book of Chuang Tzu.) Is a famous Chinese figure for his poetry and literary techniques Fig. 2 Zhuang Zi dreaming of a butterfly (Britannica)
Five Elements Traditionally belive control everything in everything in nature Are qualities or energies that are in all created things Earth, Wood, Metal, Fire, and Water These elements are part of a cycle Each element overpowers another element in the cycle Five elements give energy to five groups Five Virtues in the Confucian school, Five Government Ministers, Five Sacred Mountains of the Daoist religion, Five Musical Notes in the pentatonic scale, and the Five Basic Colors
Five elements Fig. 3 Five Elements (Perkins)
Fu- “return” A concept in the Tao-te ching Means to return; returning to roots Describes the natural movement of the Tao All things rise from the Tao and must return to it Experienced through meditation practice Fig. 4 . Taoist Philosopher holding Tao-Te Ching (Britannica)
I Ching/Yijing “Book of Changes” An ancient chinese text of Confucianism on the divination of the universe. One of the five classics of Confucianism Each dynasty formed their own methods of divination Ex. Sticks - Zhou Dynasty I Ching/Yijing Fig.5 “Geomantic Diagram” (Britannica)
Confucius/ Kung Fu Tsu 551 BCE- 479 BCE Philosopher of the golden age and founder of Confucianism Preached harmony and sincerity Stressed family relations Believed human ethics would cure all problems Confucius’ practical and educational beliefs contradicted the Taoist idea that people are inherently good and only needed to be left alone Fig 6 “Confucius” (encyclopedia britannica)
Jade Emperor The ultimate deity of Taoism who rules over heaven Son of the moon and the sun Can be considered one of the three pure ones Jade represents beauty, indestructibility, purity, and healing Meditated on earth before ascending to heaven to rule Occasionally comes to earth to heal the people Doesn't always get his way: balance Mirrors a human emperor with a court Fig 7 “jade emperor statue” (encyclopedia britannica)
Works Cited
Works Cited
Works Cited
Work Cited Alles, Gregory D., and Robert S. Ellwood. "Confucius." World Religions Online. Infobase Learning. Web. 2 Nov. 2016. <>. Alles, Gregory D. and Robert S. Ellwood. “I Ching.” World Religion Online. Infobase Learning. Web. 2 Nov. 2016. <>. Confucius . Fine Art. Britannica ImageQuest. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 25 May 2016. Accessed 2 Nov 2016. Hartz, Paula R. "Origins and Early History." World Religions Online. Infobase Learning. Web. 2 Nov. 2016. <>. Hartz, Paula R. "Scriptures and Beliefs." World Religions Online. Infobase Learning. Web. 2 Nov. 2016. <>. Hoobler, Dorothy, and Thomas Hoobler. "Confucius and His Time." World Religions Online. Infobase Learning. Web. 2 Nov. 2016. <>. Irons, Edward A. "Book of Changes." World Religions Online. Infobase Learning. Web. 2 Nov. 2016. <>. "Jade Emperor Statue." World Religions Online. Infobase Learning. Web. 2 Nov. 2016. <>.
Work Cited Perkins, Dorothy. "five elements." World Religions Online. Infobase Learning. Web. 1 Nov. 2016. <>. Perkins, Dorothy . "Jade Emperor." World Religions Online. Infobase Learning. Web. 2 Nov. 2016. <>. "Taoism - What Is Fu." Taoism - What Is Fu. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Nov. 2016. Taoist Philosopher folding Tao-Te Ching Lao Tse, Chinese philosopher. Photography. Britannica ImageQuest. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 25 May 2016. Accessed 1 Nov 2016. "Yijing." Britannica School, Encyclopædia Britannica, 19 Sep. 2016. Accessed 1 Nov. 2016.