Developing a Committee to Help with Financial Sustainability
A financial sustainability committee is a group that helps you raise money or obtain goods for your project 2
Advantages of a committee: Obtain resources Ease the transition between funding sources Meet funder's requirements Allow staff to properly focus time and energy
It is never too early to start thinking about sustainability 4
When should you develop a committee: Funding is uncertain Your group does not have all the resources it needs 5
When shouldn't you develop a committee: Your organization has guaranteed resources Your organization has enough resources You have no plans to remain active in the future The Board is already doing the work 6
Forming a committee: Brainstorm possible members Decide how large you would like the committee to be Recruit members Set a date for the first meeting Take care of the logistics Hold the first meeting Congratulate yourself Continue holding regular meetings 7
Maintaining the committee: Hold regular meetings Ask members to talk about what they have done for the project during meetings Thank members for their efforts Send thank you notes to people who donate money or goods 8